NRA to Parkland Teens: You’re Only Relevant Because Your Classmates Died

They've made concessions, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." don't you understand.

Way to conveniently leave out the first part of the amendment. I just guess it's tyrannical overreach that I can't stockpile Barrett .50 Cal rifles, anti tank guns and RPG-7s. Because hey, it says arms, not firearms, right?
@Cubo de Sangre And the fact that you're co-opting with absolute idiots like Farmer Brown and Byron Carter - persons you know have the intellect and maturity of children - should tell you on what side of the issue you are re reason versus emotion lol
Not an argument.
We tend to not listen to other sides, but the message is legit or it's not in spite of the source.

I haven't heard anything worthwhile from either side yet, so...
Federal database, require states to be part of it, ban on assault weapons. All good ideas.
Ok NRA is overboard...but today I saw like over half my FB joined the NRA page. There's a lot of feels today man.

All you cucks in this thread who stand up for feminism are all ok with any soft sweet message. The minute someone stands up and goes anti-narrative you get so emotional.

Chill boo
In 1810, the vast majority of Americans, when polled, wanted far stricter slave controls than the abolitionist crowd advocated.

Just because 51% of people think something, doesn't make it moral, right, or just.

A majority of 99% has no justification to violate the rights of a minority of one.

And thank God for the NRA. Without them, I can only imagine what our "rights" would look like with the spiteful left being fully allowed to write any gun control law they desired.

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean.


If you want concessions, you have to be willing to negotiate, and even be willing to give something up. If your side is unable or unwilling to do even that, don't expect concessions from those who wish to maintain their rights.

Tell me, do you see any differences between slavery in 1810, and firearms restriction in 2018? What a facile, cheap observation for you to make. Good god.

It's quaint though, you thinking it's up to the rest of America to make concessions when the NRA lobbies it's bought congress members into shutting down any firearm restrictions that are brought for votes. Cuuuute!!
See ? This is why gun rights advocates will tune you out. The continued attack on their manhood, character, values, etc... Lol at the LARP thing though. Do labia hats constitute a LARP ?

Anger begets anger, hate begets hate, insults beget insults rinse/repeat
I don't give a shit about gun rights advocates. I care about winning this argument, because it's really important. History has shown that nothing will bring 2A advocates to the table, so we're going to write the legislation without your input.

Too bad for you.
I'm not sure you understand what "due process" means.

How is a rule saying a person with a prescription for an SSRI cannot own a handgun any more an example of "due process" than a rule stating a person must complete and pass a safety and marksmanship course in order to own a handgun?

See how you lack the same courtesy I extended? I usually chalk that up to intellectual cowardice. People don't like letting others make points at their expense or they're scared of committing to a position and having to defend it later. Is there another reason you chose not to answer clear and direct questions?
Any one of those kids is vastly more intelligent than you are. Age isn't the determining factor, actual message is.
When it's a message you agree with...
Nice, I like that.
Always remember the axiom:

"The first step to attaining proper wisdom, is to call things by their proper names."

I'm hard-pressed to find a more apt description of the modern left then "spiteful".
Federal database, require states to be part of it, ban on assault weapons. All good ideas.

What is an "assault weapon" ? Assault is an action that can be carried out in any number of ways.

Hands, feet, fists kill @ 660 people a year. More than all rifle types combined.

Bats, hammers, texting drivers, hand guns... where do we draw the line ?
I don't give a shit about gun rights advocates. I care about winning this argument, because it's really important. History has shown that nothing will bring 2A advocates to the table, so we're going to write the legislation without your input.

Too bad for you.
This statement alone and the desire it shows is the very reason 2nd amendment supporters fight you. If there is ever actual bloodshed and conflict over this issue, it will be because of people like you HT.
Pro Tip: Kids aren't getting the guns used in these school shootings at the school.

No shit. It still makes more sense in my opinion to make it easier to detect guns in school than ban particular weapons if your goal is to help to school shootings. This dude would have killed just as many kids with a pistol as an AR15
What is an "assault weapon" ? Assault is an action that can be carried out in any number of ways.

Hands, feet, fists kill @ 660 people a year. More than all rifle types combined.

Bats, hammers, texting drivers, hand guns... where do we draw the line ?
See why I don't respect most pro gun advocates? What kind of a fucking counter argument is that?

Me- "Let's have Federal database to help keep track of guns in our country."

You- "But what about hammers, and punching?"


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