NRA to Parkland Teens: You’re Only Relevant Because Your Classmates Died

They want policy changes, and are bringing attention to it. So what? Should we not listen to them?

It's pretty clear you've created a straw man here. No one is stating that the people marching today should be able to magically write legislation that becomes law. Arguing against that point, instead of talking about the issues they're addressing is intellectually weak and pathetic.
Go back, read the exchange again, then get back to me. You're the one creating strawmen and talking out your ass here.
And of course rational people like you that don't attack character, values, beliefs, rights, etc...

You'd be wise to control your rage and extend an olive branch or at least tone down the insults if you're really looking to come to some middle ground. Or do you really think this - "These dumb NRA fucks don't understand that the more they attack survivors of a massacre, the more support / funding they'll get" is the key to forward a reasonable discussion ?
What reasonable discussion? Look at the thread on the NRA response. Fuck that.
Not everyone deserves an equal seat at the table.

And if we're being frank - there's almost nothing insightful I can hear from a highschooler. They have no life experience, or knowledge, or training.
Any one of those kids is vastly more intelligent than you are. Age isn't the determining factor, actual message is.
@Cubo de Sangre And the fact that you're co-opting with absolute idiots like Farmer Brown and Byron Carter - persons you know have the intellect and maturity of children - should tell you on what side of the issue you are re reason versus emotion lol

I've had disagreement with Farmer Brown on issues before, that doesn't make him wrong on all issues or mean that we couldn't share the same belief on others.
They've made concessions, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." don't you understand.
To keep kick ass militias. Not so 21st century pussies can LARP with their buddies. Go join the national guard if you want to be part of a, "well regulated militia".
Any one of those kids is vastly more intelligent than you are. Age isn't the determining factor, actual message is.

We tend to not listen to other sides, but the message is legit or it's not in spite of the source.

I haven't heard anything worthwhile from either side yet, so...
Any one of those kids is vastly more intelligent than you are. Age isn't the determining factor, actual message is.
All this time at finally fucking hits me.

Hollywood Nicky

Of course you would transition to Homer Simpson. Go Protest.
Pretty sad organization at this point. I'm glad someone sticks up for the 2nd Amendment, it's just a shame that it's become such a twisted group. Their message would be much better received coming from more thoughtful and less abrasive people.
This. What a cunty thing to do.
Or maybe they're just smart enough to understand how easy it would be to hide a Glock inside a three ring binder.

Clear backpacks are a school gun violence "solution" that's right up there with the buckets of rocks that Blue Mountain has introduced.

Fair argument, but the fact that the student body is pushing against the invasive nature of clear backpacks (they've also complained about the "racist" police on campus) while they lobby to take others rights away for their protection shows a clear hypocrisy from a group that you seem to think I should take seriously.
They've got a fuck of a lot more experience being shot than those old pricks making the laws.
Do you include the combat veterans that are also part of those "old men"?
To keep kick ass militias. Not so 21st century pussies can LARP with their buddies. Go join the national guard if you want to be part of a, "well regulated militia".

See ? This is why gun rights advocates will tune you out. The continued attack on their manhood, character, values, etc... Lol at the LARP thing though. Do labia hats constitute a LARP ?

Anger begets anger, hate begets hate, insults beget insults rinse/repeat
Any one of those kids is vastly more intelligent than you are. Age isn't the determining factor, actual message is.

Their message that has been spoonfed to them by the fake news industrial complex?

These punks are literally profiting off the graves of their dead classmates.

Or maybe they're just smart enough to understand how easy it would be to hide a Glock inside a three ring binder.

Clear backpacks are a school gun violence "solution" that's right up there with the buckets of rocks that Blue Mountain has introduced.

Banning more guns is even more useless. All guns are already banned on campus
I've had disagreement with Farmer Brown on issues before, that doesn't make him wrong on all issues or mean that we couldn't share the same belief on others.
No, but being a complete idiot, makes him an idiot.
So to me it becomes a matter of restricting ownership based on due process. So if juveniles, felons of a particular nature, and the mentally defective are prohibited persons then so be it.

I'm not sure you understand what "due process" means.

How is a rule saying a person with a prescription for an SSRI cannot own a handgun any more an example of "due process" than a rule stating a person must complete and pass a safety and marksmanship course in order to own a handgun?

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