Michael Cohen, personal attorney to Donald Trump, officially under criminal investigation

What the hell

Trump Crime Family.

Sounds alot like mone laundering.

^^^ feigned outrage at perfectly legal real estate transactions.

“Over the last decade, limited liability companies (LLCs) have become one of the most preferred forms of business entities through which to hold title to investment real estate properties. LLCs did not come into existence in the United States until 1977 when the State of Wyoming enacted special legislation to accommodate the needs of oil companies. Prior to LLCs, real estate investors seeking limited liability protection were largely limited to using corporations to acquire title—a form of entity that has potential drawbacks. Florida followed Wyoming's lead a few years later by enacting its own LLC statute in 1982 and now all 50 states have enacted legislation creating some form of the LLC business structure. The insulation from personal risk exposure for real estate investors provided by LLCs, coupled with the relative ease of administration and potential tax benefits, make ownership of investment property through an LLC a very desirable option in most instances.”
Clinton got impeached for lying to congress while under oath.
About consensual sex, wait and see what happens when Trump is under oath, will it be ok when Don the Con does it like everthing else?
^^^ feigned outrage at perfectly legal real estate transactions.

“Over the last decade, limited liability companies (LLCs) have become one of the most preferred forms of business entities through which to hold title to investment real estate properties. LLCs did not come into existence in the United States until 1977 when the State of Wyoming enacted special legislation to accommodate the needs of oil companies. Prior to LLCs, real estate investors seeking limited liability protection were largely limited to using corporations to acquire title—a form of entity that has potential drawbacks. Florida followed Wyoming's lead a few years later by enacting its own LLC statute in 1982 and now all 50 states have enacted legislation creating some form of the LLC business structure. The insulation from personal risk exposure for real estate investors provided by LLCs, coupled with the relative ease of administration and potential tax benefits, make ownership of investment property through an LLC a very desirable option in most instances.”
Is that supposed to make a point? Purchasing real estate under an LLC is a good idea. That text is from LegalZoom.
I am a real estate appraiser and used to do forensic reviews for Fannie Mae. Those deals may be legal but the flip price and the fact that cash was used makes them very suspect.
I am a real estate appraiser and used to do forensic reviews for Fannie Mae. Those deals may be legal but the flip price and the fact that cash was used makes them very suspect.

That’s cool, I mean that sincerely.

However, we need to see a lot more information before conviction.
About consensual sex, wait and see what happens when Trump is under oath, will it be ok when Don the Con does it like everthing else?
If Trump lies to Congress while under oath, both cases would be similar. Aside from that they are different. Sure, they both involved sex, but the timing and responsibilities involved are astronomically different.
Dude hasn't even faced a grievance hearing with the bar yet. Politically motivated garbage.
If Trump lies to Congress while under oath, both cases would be similar. Aside from that they are different. Sure, they both involved sex, but the timing and responsibilities involved are astronomically different.

There is also the campaign finance issue as well. Giuliani has basically blurted out that Trump knew about the payment, reimbursed him, and used it as a tax deduction. It seems like it would be extremely hard to deny that this had nothing to do with the campaign weeks away.
I can only assume you’re referencing Bush here?

Bush was terrible.
Bush partly, but he was just 1 guy. Regan's man Oliie North is another perpetrator of a a big lie.
It seems like Trump fans mostly voted for him to "get back" at "liberals". First he was some kind of beacon of honesty, very outspoken and says it like it is. Now they're all "you dumb liberals we always knew he was a liar because all politicians lie!!!".
It seems like Trump fans mostly voted for him to "get back" at "liberals". First he was some kind of beacon of honesty, very outspoken and says it like it is. Now they're all "you dumb liberals we always knew he was a liar because all politicians lie!!!".
I've said it before, I didn't vote for Hillary because of any love for her; I voted against Trump because he's history's biggest con man.

He'd better comply with a subpoena. Giuliani looks to be test marketing contempt for the law in this.
Are you seriously trying to argue that a politician having an affair with a pornstar, paying her off to keep quite and maybe using campaign funds to do so, would not be a mayor scandal for any politician of any party?

If he used campaign funds to pay her off I'd be pissed. I don't really care if he slept with her and paid her off.
Irrelevant. He liked while under oath.
Why was he under oath?
Was it an entirely different matter that had nothing to do with a land deal and everything to do with his personal affairs and why did it matter then and not now?
Why was he under oath?
Was it an entirely different matter that had nothing to do with a land deal and everything to do with his personal affairs and why did it matter then and not now?
If we really need to get into it, he was sworn to testify about whether or not he had an affair with a subordinate.

I don't believe that to be an impeachable offense, but unfortunately Clinton bit the perjury hook which is an impeachable offense.

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