***The Official SANCTIONED Gennady Golovkin vs Vanes Martirosyan RBR Thread 11PM EST HBO***

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Part of a stack. To 'get shredded' as you stated before. ie to cut weight and retain lean muscle, which obviously sports (like boxing) would benefit from.

No anabolics in piss test or folicle test. Nothing in folicle test at all.

<DisgustingHHH> So go back to you cheetos!! Lord knows I am.
It is beneficial to use Clen before or after an AAS cycle though
Because body builders and gym bros do it.....? How does that correlate to elite level athletes?

Do you think Canelo was slamming DBol and Tren for months to get huge for a show prior to his Clen use?
This is the same guy that thinks Hatton is better than Pryor, yet Pryor would beat Duran.


To be fair, if ranking someone based on accomplishments is better than potential, there is a decent argument. I think Pyror would beat Hatton quite readily, but I feel their records (at 140) are pretty comparable. I think Tszyu is a better win than Arguello, and those are their best wins.

That being said, if after even just a 30 second google search, you don't see how clenbuterol is a huge advantage to any fighter in a sport like boxing... well then, that person might be borderline retarded
The amount of misinformation out there is crazy.
Wrong? Perhaps your reading comprehension isn't up to par. I said that the hair follicle test only was meant to detect the presence of clen. I didn't say that he failed a test that everyone knows he passed (follicle). I said, to my knowledge, it was only to detect the presence of clenbuterol. Exogenous testosterone, for example, was not part of the panel. They were only looking for clenbuterol and nothing else to my knowledge.

They test for all banned substances I believe.

<{1-7}> .
Im a Clenelo fan (and a rustled, disappointed one at that).

He used it, broke the rules and was caught.

That said, Ive used Clen. Been around it a lot. Its not all that exciting or incredibly effective. People talk about it based off of what they read on the internet. Now folks want to write Canelo’s career off as if it was produced solely by a lab. Its all rather overblown.

Thats not to downplay that he did use a banned substance. Just that the tales of Clen are overrated.

I used Clen and it did what I wanted it to do which was help me lose body fat whilst retaining muscle mass. That would give an obvious advantage to a boxer who competes at weight limit.

You wouldn't want to be on clen for an extended amount of time because it would fuk you up. it's a fat burner so you will look more shredded but your not actually getting stronger.

You get gains by training over time regardless. Of course there is plateu effects and diminishing returs, risk of injury and all that bullshit.

No one uses Clen for gains.

Or you would be wasting your time if that was all you were using.

You generally should only use Clen for 2 weeks at a time because the receptors down regulate i.e. build up tolerance. Then you take 2 weeks off before your next cycle. This is a pretty normal way to use the drug. It definitely helps retain muscle mass whilst dieting.
Because body builders and gym bros do it.....? How does that correlate to elite level athletes?

Do you think Canelo was slamming DBol and Tren for months to get huge for a show prior to his Clen use?
Less bodyfat before starting a cycle equals less aromatization from AAS resulting in less water retention, lower chance of gyno and other obvious symptoms of drug use. Which would benefit an elite level athlete.
I used Clen and it did what I wanted it to do which was help me lose body fat whilst retaining muscle mass. That would give an obvious advantage to a boxer who competes at weight limit..
Sure. Yet the myths of its benefits are still overblown.
No, Im not wrong. Anyone using Clen on a gain cycle is a moron and has no idea what theyre doing.

These guys are jaked AF. Only thing I have ever taken is Creatine when I was in High school. And just various protein powder shakes now. Amino Acid bullshit.

<Fedor23> . Tacos, of course.
Less bodyfat before starting a cycle equals less aromatization from AAS resulting in less water retention, lower chance of gyno and other obvious symptoms of drug use. Which would benefit an elite level athlete.
Lol. Youre googling trying to present an argument. Youre also the person who thinks Clen is anabolic in humans.

Ill go ahead and clear that up for you. Clen’s anabolic effects were tested in rats and livestock (and found to be minimal). Animals have Beta 3 receptors which allows this. Humans do not have those. There is no anabolic benefit in humans.

Ill play along with your bodybuilding.com search though. Given when Canelo was popped for Clen, youre telling me that he was going to start a cycle.....?
Because body builders and gym bros do it.....? How does that correlate to elite level athletes?

Do you think Canelo was slamming DBol and Tren for months to get huge for a show prior to his Clen use?

No, no I do not. That is my point.
GGG fights more recklessly with guys whose power he doesn't respect.
Hmmm, the only way your statement makes sense is in TWO scenarios:
1) If GGG actually had a chance to not respect his power because he already fought him before or it was after a few rounds of not feeling any power, he was getting tagged from the jump 1st round; you don't just enter the ring against a guy you've never fought and automatically have no respect, if so, maybe GGG isn't as seasoned as advertised.

2) If Vanes didn't actually say after the fight that he was surprised at how GGG actually had patience and boxed him, instead of coming right at him like he expected.
I think Canelo being off the juice doesn't bode well for him more than any slippage GGG experienced the past year.
The only way this makes sense is if PEDs have anything to do with timing, speed, defense and accuracy, which is still unproven.

Sounds like you're just making excuses for GGG.
Lol. Youre googling trying to present an argument. Youre also the person who thinks Clen is anabolic in humans.

Ill go ahead and clear that up for you. Clen’s anabolic effects were tested in rats and livestock (and found to be minimal). Animals have Beta 3 receptors which allows this. Humans do not have those. There is no anabolic benefit in humans.

Ill play along with your bodybuilding.com search though. Given when Canelo was popped for Clen, youre telling me that he was going to start a cycle.....?
Sure. Yet the myths of its benefits are still overblown.
Yeah I remember when it first 'came out' in the media people were saying that it made you loads stronger and it was really anabolic but the reality is it's just a dieting aid, not nearly so sexy.
Lol. Youre googling trying to present an argument. Youre also the person who thinks Clen is anabolic in humans.

Ill go ahead and clear that up for you. Clen’s anabolic effects were tested in rats and livestock (and found to be minimal). Animals have Beta 3 receptors which allows this. Humans do not have those. There is no anabolic benefit in humans.

Ill play along with your bodybuilding.com search though. Given when Canelo was popped for Clen, youre telling me that he was going to start a cycle.....?
Ok, so you admit that being at a lower bodyfat before starting a cycle is beneficial, glad we agree.
while i do agree that golovkin will probably lose the rematch with canelo, it's more due to him piling up the years. i'm not afraid that he'll get put away, canelo hit him with a monstrous right hand in the first fight and golovkin didn't even flinch. alvarez packs some serious firepower, but golovkin's chin is second to none. i would expect him to lose a decision, though.

but then again, i'm hoping since he knows he can take his power, golovkin will focus more on the body and tire him out.
Yeah he didnt hurt him in the first fight so why would he in a rematch....My point is the frecuency of punches landed maybe at a higher rate, cause, dude was getting hit with the kitchen sink, almost everything Vanes threw.