International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VI

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The usefulness/uselessness of a body that has no real power to punish the powerful is a separate issue from the hypocrisy on display by Israel and its supporters.

I don't disagree that in practice, the UN is a joke because the powerful nations only care about these international organizations and rules when they're in their favor, or when they're trying to drum up the appearance of support to do something that they want. There's not a whole lot the UN can do if their most powerful member just decides they don't want to listen.

But the criticism here isn't about the UN's ineffectiveness, it's about the hypocrisy of Israel and its supporters. If you're the "children of the light", and are promoting democracy and the rule of law and order, and you're proclaiming to be the good guy, you don't get to turn that off when the situation gets inconvenient. If Israel's position was "We don't care about these rules. We have terrorists at our door, and we're going to do whatever we feel necessary to protect Israel", then at least that's an honest position. But they're not saying that first sentence.
So while the reality may be that they're going to do whatever they want and no one is likely going to hold them accountable, that doesn't mean the rest of the world has to pretend like they're not blatantly lying about it.
I don't see hypocrisy. I see a nation at war, who doesn't give a fuck about their terrorist enemies. The same as you and I would not give a fuck about whatever our nations did to a nation that hit us.

Of course there's gonna be some lip service by the officials, but who cares? What does it matter? These "gotcha" scenarios don't matter to a nation at war. It's pointless psychobabble. You caught them lying about their intentions. Wow, you caught them. Okay, now what? Does Israel have to feel real bad about kicking the fuck out of their enemies? No, they don't. The only thing they're concerned about is eradicating their enemies, so their people are safe. They're not Palestinian babysitters.
The usefulness/uselessness of a body that has no real power to punish the powerful is a separate issue from the hypocrisy on display by Israel and its supporters.

I don't disagree that in practice, the UN is a joke because the powerful nations only care about these international organizations and rules when they're in their favor, or when they're trying to drum up the appearance of support to do something that they want. There's not a whole lot the UN can do if their most powerful member just decides they don't want to listen.

But the criticism here isn't about the UN's ineffectiveness, it's about the hypocrisy of Israel and its supporters. If you're the "children of the light", and are promoting democracy and the rule of law and order, and you're proclaiming to be the good guy, you don't get to turn that off when the situation gets inconvenient. If Israel's position was "We don't care about these rules. We have terrorists at our door, and we're going to do whatever we feel necessary to protect Israel", then at least that's an honest position. But they're not saying that first sentence.
So while the reality may be that they're going to do whatever they want and no one is likely going to hold them accountable, that doesn't mean the rest of the world has to pretend like they're not blatantly lying about it. And what we're seeing from Israel and its defenders are a bunch of fake morality arguments backed by bullshit. They can't even be honest with their position.
What’s dishonest is the anti-Israel contingent continually trying to pretend Israel doesn’t care about civilians. Or playing dumb to the tactics Hamas uses as the enemy who follows no rules of war. Or forgetting that Hamas would continue to rule gaza if they aren’t militarily eradicated.

Israel is waging war against an enemy that declared war on them, who follows no rules of war.
The usefulness/uselessness of a body that has no real power to punish the powerful is a separate issue from the hypocrisy on display by Israel and its supporters.

I don't disagree that in practice, the UN is a joke because the powerful nations only care about these international organizations and rules when they're in their favor, or when they're trying to drum up the appearance of support to do something that they want. There's not a whole lot the UN can do if their most powerful member just decides they don't want to listen.

But the criticism here isn't about the UN's ineffectiveness, it's about the hypocrisy of Israel and its supporters.

UN Partition Plan of 1947 that establishes Israel - "Right thing to do. The whole world agrees."

UN says Israel is committing war crimes - "They're corrupt and have no power." "They're anti-semitic."

Any takers?

When people say "death to America" they usually mean the American "government" not the American people. Not going to deny Americans wouldn't be treated wonderfully over there. But how tf is that relevant? Its understandable why we wouldn't be treated well over there we've been inflicting actual death on Yemen for years. No one really claimed any different yet it's paraded around as a "gotcha". Like what are we supposed to say fuck the Houtis let them die cause they'd be mean to us? Thats not proper solidarity.
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Why doesn't the IDF clamp down on its soldiers' social media posts so that it's easier for me to defend them by yelling "what about Hamas"?

I'm officially launching a third side in all of this, one that despises the genocide in Gaza but is also against immigration, and looks down both on all the leftie ignorant dipshits that think trannies could live in gaza, and also on the right wing maniacs that cheer for more killing of palestinians.
Why doesn't the IDF clamp down on its soldiers' social media posts so that it's easier for me to defend them by yelling "what about Hamas"?

Piers' post sums up western discourse. He is angry at the videos mocking the dead children rather than the actual act of killing the children. It's comical.

It's the same reason why most of his videos are him getting angry at protestors for saying shit he deems "insensitive" rather than the actual war crimes happening. It's so weird.
I'm officially launching a third side in all of this, one that despises the genocide in Gaza but is also against immigration, and looks down both on all the leftie ignorant dipshits that think trannies could live in gaza, and also on the right wing maniacs that cheer for more killing of palestinians.

Why does every single post you make in every thread turn into immigration/trans porn?

You don't even like trans people and treat them the same way they do. If anything your views on trans people align with them.
can't believe you took time off your kebab stand to post here.
I'm officially launching a third side in all of this, one that despises the genocide in Gaza but is also against immigration,

How does your mind even come up with a post like this?

"I hate genocide and immigration." The magical third side in the I/P conflict..

The Mensa squad in action again.

Future historians will look back on stuff like this with amazement. Netanyahu is actually referencing the obviously fake "Hitler on iPad" hoax to justify his widespread murder of civilians. This is Hitler/Goebbels type of shit. The whole statement is completely insane - a head of government involved in an ethnic cleansing campaign declaring "the Hague can't stop us", Jesus Christ - but this line really stuck out to me. I understand that Israel supporters are insane and/or retarded but nobody actually believed that iPad stunt did they? Maybe Fox news boomers?
Piers' post sums up western discourse. He is angry at the videos mocking the dead children rather than the actual act of killing the children. It's comical.

It's the same reason why most of his videos are him getting angry at protestors for saying shit he deems "insensitive" rather than the actual war crimes happening. It's so weird.

I also like the passive voice when talking about the children being killed.

Like the rest of the media, he does his best to avoid mentioning who is killing them or that they're doing it deliberately.
UN Partition Plan of 1947 that establishes Israel - "Right thing to do. The whole world agrees."

UN says Israel is committing war crimes - "They're corrupt and have no power." "They're anti-semitic."
It is becoming obvious that the Chosen People are exerting there place in the world order through American Zionists.

Any takers?

That's clearly someone who doesn't know shit about Arabic. Can't pronounce three words that don't even include Arabic exclusive phonemes. Plus excuse me the proof, found an image on the net. But when it's videos of Israeli soldiers mocking dead children it's "drivel" and shouldn't be taken into account

Why doesn't the IDF clamp down on its soldiers' social media posts so that it's easier for me to defend them by yelling "what about Hamas"?

They defend it. They say "yeah it's only drivel stop posting it !!". But man does the driven keeps on piling. there's almost a hundred of videos of Israeli soldiers doing the most disgusting mockeries of dead children on camera. But it's just a coincidence, you're not allowed to address the problem
That's clearly someone who doesn't know shit about Arabic. Can't pronounce three words that don't even include Arabic exclusive phonemes.

A-Moot La Amrika, right?

I am rusty on my Sun and Moon letters.
I don't see hypocrisy. I see a nation at war, who doesn't give a fuck about their terrorist enemies. The same as you and I would not give a fuck about whatever our nations did to a nation that hit us.

Retarded take, but likely shared by many who don't really engage their brains.

Overly simplistic 'goodies and baddies' nonsense that doesn't justify attacking civilians regardless of who's doing it and for what reason.
A-Moot La Amrika, right?

I am rusty on my Sun and Moon letters.
Yep the Lam is moon so you have to pronounce it after the first Alif. Also it's "li" amrika not "la".

I just tought it's funny how he makes a super thick accent when all the sounds here except the Ra are in the english alphabet and he could have pronounced it normally.
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