Law Florida - Senate passes Republican sponsored Bill to outlaw lab-grown meat. DeSantis supports ban

wait whos the leftist in this situation? Whos the republican? Who are the globalists?
We talking about lab grown meat?

Where are da libtardss? Da scientists? AI?



take another booster chud

Wait i thought chuds were the trump cultists people or are they libtards or da globalists?

chuds used to be right wingers but we reversed it with enough repetition <Lmaoo>

you're free to use it back haha
So did I address your question concerning why lab grown animal meat for consumption is different than human grown meat?
You addressed it, it's just not a particularly compelling argument. The ethical/religious concerns are eating or defacing a dead body, which isn't the case here.

I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.
Which one? The baseline for food and drugs is not sell it to everyone now and we'll figure out if it's poison later. Again, once you've used someone else as your guinea pigs and have long term studies, then you can bring it back in several years. Until then, Italy also banned it, Tennessee, Arizona,Alabama and New Hampshire also have bills prohibiting or regulating lab meat, and there is no meat shortage for this to require fast tracking or emergency use.

Anabolic hormones and endocrine disruptors: significant risks

In animals, muscle volume increases slowly, and it takes time for muscular satellite cells to multiply. To obtain what an animal produces over several years in just a few weeks in vitro, it is necessary to continuously stimulate proliferation of the satellite cells with growth factors, including anabolic sex hormones.

These hormones are present in animals and humans, as well as in conventional meat. They stimulate protein synthesis in cells, resulting in increased muscle mass. They can therefore be rightly described by industry as “natural growth factors”. However, overexposure to them has established deleterious effects. In Europe, the use of growth hormones in agriculture has been prohibited since 1981 by directive 81/602. This ban was confirmed in 2003 by directive 2003/74 and validated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2007. What will the final concentration of these hormones be in cultured meat?

In addition, a growing number of studies have documented the toxicity of commonly used plastic products. Endocrine disruptors, compounds that can interfere with the hormone system and disrupt it, can be transferred from plastic packaging to food. Unsurprisingly, the same phenomenon has been documented in cell cultures grown in plastic containers by in vitro fertilization.
Why not? Whats the need for it? Why do we want this? I'll eat cows and chickens like people have done for eons.
So we do t have to raise animals that live a life of misery before we slaughter them, al the while not producing a ton of waste.

Do you ever not make snap knee jerk reactions for whatever stupid shit you see the Republican Party doing?

I don’t know why I asked that, the answers definitely a no
You addressed it, it's just not a particularly compelling argument. The ethical/religious concerns are eating or defacing a dead body, which isn't the case here.

That's not correct, lab grown meat grown from human cells would still represent human flesh, an extension of the donor it came from. This would raise ethical concerns about the treatment of and the potential for commodification of human flesh. Introducing lab grown human meat into the food supply would challenge deep seated societal taboos against cannibalism and the reactions would be extremely strong. I don't see how you could have thought that human flesh and animal flesh are equivalent to us.
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So did I address your question concerning why lab grown animal meat for consumption is different than human grown meat?
Why shouldn't human grown meat be for consumption, if we're going down this path? Nobody is dying over it? Maybe it tastes good?

Why shouldn't human grown meat be for consumption, if we're going down this path? Nobody is dying over it? Maybe it tastes good?


Well hey, anything is up for discussion. But my point was that right now it not in the same ballpark as say lab grown chicken, as eating human flesh would face extreme backlash because of the societal/cultural/religious taboos cannibalisms has associated with it.
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Damn, things not going well for beyond meat. They get sued for lying about nutritional content, sued for lying to shareholders to pump and dump the stock, revenue has been tanking.

Are they involved in synthetic meat research or just chugging along with their imitation products? And yeah, the market feasability of their products is definitely a tough sell, but didn't stop some person there from having the 2nd most expensive car I've seen in my life outside of car shows.
can of worms
Aborted babies
Well famous wealthy popular people use skin creams that include baby penis foreskins in them so it wouldn't be too surprising lol
I'm against picketing but I don't know how to show it.
Nice, is that Mitch?

Wait i thought chuds were the trump cultists people or are they libtards or da globalists?


Folks need to watch that movie again; the naming of the underground dwellers as "CHUDs" was not true, but this subforum is rife with it unfortunately
chuds used to be right wingers but we reversed it with enough repetition <Lmaoo>

you're free to use it back haha

Who is "we"... You are the only one using it to refer to leftists. Like Gretchen still trying to make "fetch" happen.

Chuds will always be the right
i am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to eat wooly mammoth meat and T-Rex meat , which will obviously be grown in a lab since those animals are extinct.

I bet florida people will be jealous.

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