stuart cooper roy dean beef

Money, women, and power. Other than these, what else are there to beef about amongst men?
It is a hard time to be an artist or independent filmmaker.

I think people should not be afraid to support their crowdfunding campaigns.
I find his films overrated to be honest. Most lack substance in my opinion.

They are very hipstergramish and allows the new trendy hipster BJJ white-purple belt crowd think they are deep and progressive by watching them.

I used to get excited for his videos but most lack narrative. I think my favourite was the Palhares one and that is because I am a fanboy.

Just because you fly around and film people with a decent camera doesnt mean whatever you do is special or of high quality. Especially when you literally have no competition.

Now I understand he might not have a lot to work with when it comes to some of the people he focuses on, but part of creating a good documentary is forcing substance out of people regardless of how charismatic or what language they speak.

I thought Rickson's Choke documentary was great. That is a doco I can show to people who hate martial arts and it teaches them what I do and why I do it. It is also interesting. Compare that to his work in regards to ADCC and I think it is obvious that his lack substance.

I understand he now has a beef with Roy (which according to this thread stems from him banging one of his employees) but taking down the video for personal reasons is quite childish. Talk about an inflated ego, Roy not "deserving" to be on your channel. Your channel is amateurish at best and appeals to a niche crowd who will fellatio your work regardless of its quality. The least you could do is leave it up for them.

And a special hot business tip for Stuart: Don't shit where you eat. If this beef was caused b you having sex with Roy's employees that shows a lack of professionalism on your behalf. Keep sex out of business and out of the gym. It doesn't take a scientist to tell you that humans react illogically to just behaviour.

And if Roy is as big a douche as described - big deal. Half the people in this community are douchebags. It comes with the territory.

you are actually comparing CHOKE, NHB docu, which was made based on the biggest living myth on the NHB/Vale tudo/mma era, with an ADCC docu? really?
not even a roy dean fan but why is everyone jumping on stuart's ****?

if it is about stuart banging a female that has ties to roy that does not say much about him - then again this is sherdog and that would make him alpha i guess.

kinda shady to insinuate that someone is not who they seem but not give details. If it is really nothing bad on stuart's part then why the the rumor spreading; why not just come out and say what went on?

anyhow what a lame situation.
Ultimately who gives a shit?

All it comes down to is "Does Cooper have the right to take down his documentary on Roy Dean?"

And the answer is yes, of course he does. Who cares why Cooper thinks Dean is a douche? He obviously does. Just leave it at that.
kinda shady to insinuate that someone is not who they seem but not give details. If it is really nothing bad on stuart's part then why the the rumor spreading; why not just come out and say what went on?

This......he could have said that he and Roy Dean had a difference of opinion about a business matter or something similar. That approach would have caused a lot less controversy.
Wait, so basically sitch is Stuart, Roy is his "instructor", and that thread he posted awhile back was actually real?
I always had a feeling Sitch was an Englishman.

BTW, put these two on a Metamoris card please :) Seriously.
They should settle their beef in a Vale Tudo fight and get it over with.