Antarctica Melting 3x Faster Than We Thought

Why wait and leave the responsibility on everybody else? You can minus-1 us anytime you like. Change starts from within.
I'm not the problem though, it's you guys which are the problem.
That is the reason Swamp Monster Scott Pruitt, is deregulating everything while abusing tax payer dollars. Swamp Monster is putting this in the hands of big business, so they will have more resources to tackle global warming.
I just dumped 10,000 lbs of straws into the ocean.<GinJuice>
The earth has been much hotter than the present in the past, and will continue to heat up after we reduce green house gasses. This is not a political problem.
Fundamental thinking error here. Politics is the process of making choices over values. This is political by definition.
I'd like to say something serious about environmental stewardship and making a difference, but frankly, I think we're all doomed. The intellectual rot in America is too far gone. Donald Trump and the rightwing in this country are doing irreversible damage to the U.S., and the world.

We're all fucked. Love your families while you still can.
Who cares it is only gonna hurt those smug libruls living on the coast, DERP!!!!
What makes this prospect terrifying for me is that we don't know enough about how we should expect this to affect the ocean-to-human food chain- where is the tipping point? Do we lose species slowly, or very suddenly? The sea level rise we can deal with- it will come at a tremendous cost in terms of lives labor and money, but we will deal with it. But we won't deal with the loss of fish. We'll just die by the billion.

terrifying prospect? what a drama queen

Nature will adapt

I'd like to say something serious about environmental stewardship and making a difference, but frankly, I think we're all doomed. The intellectual rot in America is too far gone. Donald Trump and the rightwing in this country are doing irreversible damage to the U.S., and the world.

We're all fucked. Love your families while you still can.

get a grip kid, US has always polluted americans consume energy like no other country, AC all over, huge cars, California/Vegas wasting water and so forth that was all good before Trump?

tech will eventually make the world cleaner and this whole debate will be long forgoten, I think its much easier we getting hit by a comet and being eliminated than humans actually destroying life for good.
Future generations are gonna look at us as the ultimate morons.
Take that, penguins.

Seriously though, I'll take them in. I'll be like Jim Carrey in that movie. Ummm.. Mr. Deeds. That's right isn't it? Yeah, I'll be Jim Carrey in "Mr. Deeds."
I'd like to say something serious about environmental stewardship and making a difference, but frankly, I think we're all doomed. The intellectual rot in America is too far gone. Donald Trump and the rightwing in this country are doing irreversible damage to the U.S., and the world.

We're all fucked. Love your families while you still can.
Who wouldve ever thought "tldr" would go from a silly message board quip to our way of life? You're right, were fucked
Who wouldve ever thought "tldr" would go from a silly message board quip to our way of life? You're right, were fucked
Which is also why I hold our generation responsible for the absolute shit show that the internet has become. We started all these horrible trends, the young cats are just working with the frame we laid.
What makes this prospect terrifying for me is that we don't know enough about how we should expect this to affect the ocean-to-human food chain- where is the tipping point? Do we lose species slowly, or very suddenly? The sea level rise we can deal with- it will come at a tremendous cost in terms of lives labor and money, but we will deal with it. But we won't deal with the loss of fish. We'll just die by the billion.

The larger problem is that we are fucking the oceans about ten different ways... with ocean temperature rise being a major contributing factor to several of them.

Even Jordan Peterson agrees it is a problem... so, you know, maybe right wingers will care.

This pertains to my interests.

We’re in for some interesting times over the next 100 years

If you buy land or a home near the coast or body of water, you're REALLY rolling the dice...

If you buy land or a home near the coast or body of water, you're REALLY rolling the dice...


I am pondering a beach house in NJ, but this is definitely a factor in whether or not that happens.

I don’t think we would truly see the effect for another 50 years so that’s what I’m weighing.
I am pondering a beach house in NJ, but this is definitely a factor in whether or not that happens.

I don’t think we would truly see the effect for another 50 years so that’s what I’m weighing.

I'd prefer a cabin by a mountain lake rather than by any ocean... Good luck on your choice Sherbro...
Fundamental thinking error here. Politics is the process of making choices over values. This is political by definition.

Ok, don’t make it a partisan issue then.
Let's just flood the Sahara with all that extra water. Problem solved.

The Sahara Sea was the name of a hypothetical macro-engineering project which proposed flooding endorheic basins in the Sahara Desert with waters from the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea. The goal of this unrealized project was to create an inland sea that would cover the substantial areas of the Sahara Desert which lie below sea level, bringing humid air, rain and agriculture deep into the desert.

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