As a martial artist myself I feel like the UFC/WME-IMG has tarnished our image as martial artists

Thank you Sherdog
TS, you had to have known it was going to go like this
If she really wanted you, she would have overlooked a minor flaw like “being a martial artist.”

But if that’s the most interesting thing about you, then it’s Jergens and pornhub for you, son...
I train Goju, I hear all the time about how Karate is so violent, i would never put my child into that as i dont want them to fight....I do not disagree with you at all TS.

Then again, I pay them no mind as a martial artist i really do not care what they think. My son trains with me and is so polite it hurts, he also knows nobody his age would touch him. Those that do not train are like those dirty animals i keep hearing about :) All yappy with nothing to offer.
she was disgusted and associated it with all the negative aspects of UFC and the fighters (the shit talking, violence outside the Octagon, lack of sportmanship etc.). My date pretty much went downhill after that and now she won’t even respond to my texts. No joke.
So she's a hardcore who rejects you for training martial arts? That's what you're saying? Such a liar lol.
Most likely she was testing you to see if you were strong in your beliefs. If you got defensive, you lost. You should have laughed at her. Most women don't have any talents or hobbies, but they will try to crap on yours. It takes a craftsman to build a barn, but any jackass can knock it down. If she kicked your barn and it was weak and fell down, she rejected you. It doesn't matter how many push-ups you can do.
If a woman asks you what your hobby is tell her, "busting vaginas" then laugh at her. Mockingly say, "I'm sorry, did I offend you?" then change the subject and tell her that you think she is cute. Pinch her cheek or something. Don't make fun of what she is into, though, her self-esteem is probably too low and she probably won't be able to handle the criticism.
Karate stopped getting you laid after 1980’s ninja movie explosion. Karate after that meant youre a dork. And now theres WMMA on main stream, Id be embarrassed to be a fighter now in 2018.....
For example, I went on a date this past Friday and she asked me what I liked to do as a hobby. When I told her I practiced martial arts she was disgusted and associated it with all the negative aspects of UFC and the fighters (the shit talking, violence outside the Octagon, lack of sportmanship etc.).
The winning response would have been for you to have brought up Rose Namajunas and her "Just be a good person" speech.
She thinks you are a liar because you are fat. She actually likes MMA.
She probably found out that you got tapped by a 4'0 115 lbs girl.
Don't worry I never respected you as a martial artist in the first place.
Besides the fact that you’re full of shit, this “WWE” stuff has always existed. Tito/Chuck, Tito/Shamrock, GSP/Hughes, Rampage/Rashad, Jones/DC, Jones/Rashad and plenty other examples.

You idiots are just growing up and realizing they’ve been slanging the same shit for 17 years now.
With all this “WWE-esque” stuff UFC is pulling lately I feel like they are giving us martial artists a bad wrap among general public.

For example, I went on a date this past Friday and she asked me what I liked to do as a hobby. When I told her I practiced martial arts she was disgusted and associated it with all the negative aspects of UFC and the fighters (the shit talking, violence outside the Octagon, lack of sportmanship etc.). My date pretty much went downhill after that and now she won’t even respond to my texts. No joke.

Is it just me? Any martial artists on Sherdog feel the same?
That's actually true these days. It used to be really cool. I would tell people I practice martial arts, and show them some high knees or spinning shit and they would all mark out. This was especially true during the Tony Jaa times.

Then all of a sudden, about a few months ago... I was at my usual breakfast restaurant/bar watching UFC (shows in the mornings here).... And some friends spotted me and one of the guys came up to ask me if I could manage to eat while watching that violence... then when he realized I was there to watch the UFC, not just for breakfast... he gave me a "what is wrong with him" kinda look.

All of a sudden, I'm a violent person in the eyes of me western friends.

he Thais still view it as arts, and part of culture and tradition though. Still nice to live in a country where martial arts is respected...which is nice.

I taught all my exes basic armbars and triangles of the back... in case they were put in some danger by guys or something... you know... the ladies appreciated it. Nowadays if I do it, they call me a psycho.
With all this “WWE-esque” stuff UFC is pulling lately I feel like they are giving us martial artists a bad wrap among general public.

For example, I went on a date this past Friday and she asked me what I liked to do as a hobby. When I told her I practiced martial arts she was disgusted and associated it with all the negative aspects of UFC and the fighters (the shit talking, violence outside the Octagon, lack of sportmanship etc.). My date pretty much went downhill after that and now she won’t even respond to my texts. No joke.

Is it just me? Any martial artists on Sherdog feel the same?

you sure something else didn't go wrong on the date? normally a person can cheerfully explain why they like something or ask what the other person sees as problematic and at least come to some understanding even if not agreement. but blaming wwe style ufc shit or whatever for getting ghosted is pretty lulzy. IMO. also, you realize ufc is a combat sport fought in a cage where people bleed all over the place (like joe daddy v penn)? that violent stuff predated lesnar shoving cormier by a couple decades.
If you described yourself as “into martial arts” on a first date, you probably came across like a super fuckin’ lame-ass dork.
I dunno, I feel it's all in the delivery. I've never experienced any of that, but it's probably because I can articulate its positive attributes well enough to convince people that it's not just for meatheads. People are usually kinda surprised I'm into it, but they get it once I explain to them why and they're normally cool about it. I'm dating someone now who thinks it's awesome that I'm into it and loves for me to break things about the sport down to her. Plus I don't take the sport of MMA too seriously (it's a damn carnival and always has been haha), which tends to put people at ease about it because you can launch a counterpoint without coming off offended or taken aback.

Could also be regional too. I'm in the Bay Area where there are some notable fighters and gyms, and BJJ is a trendy hobby for tech bros and the like haha.
You know WWF and UFC use to promote each other back in the day right?

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