Children who’ve just been separated from their parents at the border

Yeah, that guy is a miserable piece of shit. Regardless of how you feel about the situation, whether you think there are better options available, etc, there's no defending a guy like Lewandowski. He's just a really awful person.
It should be clear to anyone being honest he was really mocking the liberal commentator's melodrama. And it didn't come off right. He should clarify and apologize. The pearl clutching over stuff like this is too much.
I'm glad to see that despite our differences, we can still have a calm, productive discussion.
Kudos to these two fine gentlemen.

Don´t be unfair to Ivanka. She got 100 million from S.A to shut her dirty pie hole. According to Trumptards, that´s just a good deal. (Their orange daddy bending the knee to be a wahhabi bitch is not something you should think about)
That's what the Trump administration is calling for but it's impossible under current law.

I haven't been following the topic too closely, so excuse my ignorance, but what law is preventing them from being together? From what I've read, the parents are being detained for a misdemeanor.
That's pretty cold hearted.
I thought so at first too, but then I realized hes primarily saying that as a response to baldie tactics of telling an emotional story to win a logical debate, not to the actual girl having down syndrome being seperated from her parents. Still doesnt look good though
Why even bring up the down syndrome in this? How is that relevant to people sneaking over the border?
You want to keep them together forever, I say we invest in some international family-togetherness aid...a 2000 mile long one

Honestly, I think that's where all this is going. It's Trump's master gambit to get his wall built.

It's probably good strategy. It doesn't mean it's ethically acceptable, though.

I wish folks would make up their minds . . . do they care what Ivanka (or anyone associated with Trump) thinks or says or do they just hope they say something in order to vehemently disagree with it and add it to their critique during a late night monologue?
Why even bring up the down syndrome in this? How is that relevant to people sneaking over the border?

It could be that certain people require higher levels of care and, through no fault of their own, they are going to now suffer terribly.

I should point out that I am all for strong border policies but surely people can see that these are emotive issues where children suffer through a/ parents shit decisions and b/ policies you may or may not agree with.
I haven't been following the topic too closely, so excuse my ignorance, but what law is preventing them from being together? From what I've read, the parents are being detained for a misdemeanor.

Under past administrations there was not a No Tolerance Policy. For instance under Obama they would detain people that were repeat offenders, not first timers. They also tried to not detain parents who were with their Children.

In 2014 there was a wave of asylum seekers due to violence in El Savadore including a large number of unaccompanied Minors. During a wave they detained more and at the time detained families in the same facilities but they were sued and the courts said they couldn't keep the kids on those facilities.

This current wave of Child detentions thought is due to the Administration switching to a Zero Tolerance Policy where they are detaining everyone.

They are doing all of this they say to stop MS-13.

Here is a good read on MS-13 in the US.
Honestly, I think that's where all this is going. It's Trump's master gambit to get his wall built.

It's probably good strategy. It doesn't mean it's ethically acceptable, though.

That's exactly what it is. It makes the GOP look bad and he thinks it will force them into fully funding his Wall (I guess Mexico isn't paying for it).

And he's painting the false picture that he only has 2 choices, separating families or a fully Open Border.

You can see that his base is lapping it all up.
That's exactly what it is. It makes the GOP look bad and he thinks it will force them into fully funding his Wall (I guess Mexico isn't paying for it).

And he's painting the false picture that he only has 2 choices, separating families or a fully Open Border.

You can see that his base is lapping it all up.

Not only are they lapping it up, they consider this bipartisanship.

My how the mighty have fallen.
Why even bring up the down syndrome in this? How is that relevant to people sneaking over the border?
He needed to maximize victimhood points for the libs. Unfortunately, he left "gay pre-op tranny" on the boards, thatll be some demerits.
WTF is "womp womp?"

According to google it's supposed to be an onomatopoeia for the sound a buzzer makes in a game show for a loss or incorrect answer.

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