Cop arrests nurse for doing her job

Like to the point of threatening physical violence.

I made the mistake of calling one of those women dude one day and damn near got into a brawl . I wont argue with you that the products of violent emotional single mothers tend to not be the most well adjusted members of society
When my dad was dying we had to call an ambulance a few weeks prior and my neighbour at the time, who was a cop, came up to me as I was getting into my truck and started interrogating me about it. I told him not to worry about it (basically politely told him to mind his own business) and he got so fucking mad. He couldn't fathom that I didn't just immediately roll over and give him whatever info he wanted. Hasn't spoken to me since and it's been 7 years. Granted I'm not over there that often any more.

We really need to find a way to breed that trait out of law enforcement. They dont like being told no and it can be dangerous to tell them so even if its true. I believe that story you are telling is quite common. I got one in my neighborhood that likes to get real excited when I go for a walk at night. Dude needs to chill and mind his business before he does something that gets me hurt
Lawyers aren't more likely to be ass holes, non-lawyers are just more likely to become overly sensitive when confronted with superior intellect.

I kid.
You know the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One's a scum-sucking bottom dweller.
The other's a fish.
Missouri v Mcneely states that is "generally" true, FMCSA law may have a second say.

my point is this is a case for the courtroom not a cursing match on an mma forum.

So in a potentially borderline case, wouldn't it make sense to get a warrant? If there is a chance any evidence gathered might be thrown out, why risk it? Unless, like the officer admitted to his partner at one point in the video, they didn't have probable cause.
He just wanted to get that blood home to his family.
You know the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?
One's a scum-sucking bottom dweller.
The other's a fish.

Its all lawyer jokes and name calling until the cops beat you down then its like dear sir I have no money but would you take my case
Its all lawyer jokes and name calling until the cops beat you down then its like dear sir I have no money but would you take my case
True enough. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Hate cops...

I think the old saying is true of most police officers: "Without a badge and a gun, they can't get none."
Id like to add that in most states it's implied consent for a blood draw for a sobriety test if you're driving on the road. Either way I'm right.
Once more, someone falsely arrested and we only find out about it because of a bodycam. Imagine how many lives were ruined because of asshole cops before bodycams. How many is too many before we start making changes?
What are you on about? Bodycams are a change. This is part of our effort to deploy technology to better serve justice. This is precisely the type of reform needed, and we have it, yet you're complaining like nothing is being done.
lol just saw the video on YouTube, total insanity
Saw the video a few times and the one thing that is upsetting, besides the action of the arresting officer, is the other officers standing around doing nothing. You know this guy is fucking up and instead of stopping him they just let him do his own thing.