Lots of non concussion causing hits is actually worse than 1 big hit that gives a concussion.
I feel like there hasn't even been enough studying done on male fighters let alone compare it to female fighters.

Chuck is the only one I can think of that shows visible signs of CTE
It would be crazy if it was proven female brains were evolutionary immune to CTE from millions of years of getting slapped upside the head after nagging .
I always noticed the way cris cyborg spoke was weird slurry and unclear, it's either cte or it's her thick Brazilian accent plus her deep manly voice. Nunes is Brazilian and she doesn't sound like that. But who knows?
if true, im sorry to hear that man - hope all is well.

Like all the others with my type of injury, i will die in the end from it, forgetting who my son is. Nobody can give times frames, I watched my Sensei's mother get diagnosed earlier this year with Dementia something I suffer from, and she does not know her husband of 50 years now. That was in a few short months.

Time is not my friend.
Did Zingano not have her hormones messed up and pounding headaches after the Nunes fight
Pretty sure Priscila Cachoeria suffered some sort of brain injury after the beating Shevchenko gave her
Ronda displayed some CTE maybe but I think it was more broken ego and delusion

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