Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Showing "Strong Evidence" of Native American Ancestry

Well if she identified as Native American purely to extract finacial and Affirmative Action benefits then it is obviously wrong. If she claimed to be part Native American because she wanted to explore her roots and wanted to meet Native Americans then that isn't wrong.

why do you clowns always take the word of slimy politicans with a D next to their name?
From the book Pow Wow Chow:


lyrics by E. Warren.
Trump cucked by Warren and shown to be what we already knew he was, a bigot.
Yeah her life story is pretty incredible and yet people are bashing her cause she claimed one of her ancestors is native American... and it was brought out in full force by her political opponent after she was asked about it by the media. not her... but yet she's faulted for it.

I don't get it.

Again, I think it just comes down to the fact that she has a really solid background, great ideas, is very intelligent, etc. You don't want to run against that kind of thing, so dishonest hacks try to make it about some silly made-up scandal, even after the narrative just crumbled.
Great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather? Nah, you're not black son. So because everyone has roots tying back to Africa, we're all African? Your logic doesn't work try again.
You're using an arbitrary cut-off here. At what point can you claim heritage and why?
I think it's more that. Make people sick of the issue before the election. Then by the time we get to the general and Trump goes, "Hey it's Pocahontas," the result is a collective eye roll, but not some damning argument.


And it shouldn't be a damning argument. The truth is that Warren had no reason to disbelieve her mother's stories that she was part Native American, and the more important truth is that Warren never benefited from any claims about her ancestry.

She is a strong candidate with and inspiring life story. She's from very humble Oklahoma roots, she's overcome a lot of adversity.

If it has any legs as a story, it's not really because of Warren, sadly. It's that many voters are wearied by identity politics and think a lot of ostensibly pro-minority policies are a hypocritical sham. Warren's a stand in for that.

Oh, and by the way, our current POTUS is a white collar criminal whose wealth came from tax fraud schemes.

It will sink his campaign.
And it shouldn't be a damning argument. The truth is that Warren had no reason to disbelieve her mother's stories that she was part Native American, and the more important truth is that Warren never benefited from any claims about her ancestry.

I mean.... other than that job at Harvard...
So she's like the rest of us Okies? Sweet.
Basically. If your family was from Oklahoma pre- the turn of the 20th century, and there was a family tradition that you have Native American ancestors, what reason would you have not to believe it?
I mean.... other than that job at Harvard...
Every single person who was ever involved with her at Harvard has lined up saying that her ethnicity was a total non-consideration, and the dean who hired her is on record saying he had never heard any mention or consideration of her as a "minority candidate."

So that's just a lie.

Interviews start at 2:20

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You're using an arbitrary cut-off here. At what point can you claim heritage and why?

When you're a white woman named Elizabeth Warren and your DNA test results don't conclusively show anything Native American related other than something that may be a 1/1024 part Native American. that seems like it should be way out past the cut off to me.
You bleat well for a newly minted Trump sheep.
Oh, look, another liberal that can't discern nuance lecturing about groupthink.

So busy supporting the proper seating of conservative SCOTUSes I Kavanaught give a fuck.


Basically. If your family was from Oklahoma pre- the turn of the 20th century, and there was a family tradition that you have Native American ancestors, what reason would you have not to believe it?

Not really basically . . . while there are many who have legit ancestral ties to tribes in our state, many don't have the required documents to prove it. That's all it is is a family tradition or story.

I don't need a reason to not believe her . . . I never said I don't believe her . . . just that if I had to go back 6-10 generations to prove something I wouldn't bother.
You're using an arbitrary cut-off here. At what point can you claim heritage and why?

How about when your 1/1024 and the blood they use to test against is from Mexico instead of using Native American blood without giving any reason for doing that.
Oh, look, another liberal that can't discern nuance lecturing about groupthink.

So busy supporting the proper seating of conservative SCOTUSes I Kavanaught give a fuck.



awww you butthurt cause we see through you now?...

don't be... your rep took a dive long ago...

we do still love you in the videogames forum section though...



Question: so since Democrats are clearly rallying behind Warren in this thread, for some bewildering reason, does that mean every White American who is 0.098% black gets to drop n-bombs openly without fear of any social retribution?

Small town everybody knows everybody and her mom is from a family that had Native American relatives?

Why you making me follow you down this rabbit hole of idiocy? I am no expert in how people used to know or do shit back in 40s...

Are you doubting it was more racist back in the 40s and that shit couldn’t possibly be true?

I just try to think...what would a reasonable person think.

I find it hard to imagine anyone would force their child to elope because their potential spouse was 1/65th anything.
How about when your 1/1024 and the blood they use to test against is from Mexico instead of using Native American blood without giving any reason for doing that.
You didn't answer the question.
Is this accurate?

Elizabeth Warren self-identified as a "Native American" in the The Association of American Law Schools Directory of law professors in every edition printed between 1986 -1995.


After becoming a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Warren demanded the University change her faculty listed ethnicity from “white” to “Native American.”

If either are yes...she dug her own whole

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