How many here actually know how to drive?

Technically I was I'd guess a pretty good driver and actually enjoyed the very small amount of track driving I did when it came to judging acceleration , breaking, etc but the issue was always I found driving on the road incredibly stressful and gave it up when I could. Indeed I suspect a lot of people who hold off driving offering over excuses the real issue is an OCD like personality(most don't have obvious ticks but have the guilt phobia), constantly thinking your going to knock down a child or something.
I dunno about myself but I seen many people who know how to drive, especially on the tele I've seen some brilliant wheelsters
Let's face it, people judge driving ability base on how different from themselves. Like Bill Burr said, if people are driving slower, they are stupid, if they drivenfaster, then they are maniac. The best driver can blend in with traffic and know the unwritten rules of the road on top of standard traffic laws.