Leon Edwards


Brown Belt
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Dana says Leon was offered 3 fights for UFC 300 and accepted them all. I guess ultimately none were considered to be enough of a needle mover or else the other party declined. Any guesses on who the 3 were? Bilal had to be one. Shavkat maybe? Khamzat?
No one will give Leon the benefit of the doubt. This is Sherfront after all. And we can love GSP(point fighter). But we have to hate Leon(point figher). He'll never get a fair shake from this crowd.
Shavkat and khamzat can't fight because of Ramadan same with belal supposedly
I'm going with the same theory... It's fairly acceptable.

If not because of Ramadan, wtf are we watching these days..?
Dana says Leon was offered 3 fights for UFC 300 and accepted them all. I guess ultimately none were considered to be enough of a needle mover or else the other party declined. Any guesses on who the 3 were? Bilal had to be one. Shavkat maybe? Khamzat?
It was either Curly, Larry, Moe or Huey, Louie, Dewey?
Shavkat probably still mending from ankle injury? Why do I find it hard to believe Leon said yes to anybody and it was the opponent who said no? It’s a title shot and main event isn’t it? I’d be interested in hearing what Leon’s has to say about it.