My Morning Contribution: Obama, the Great Pragmatist

Your argument has moved from Obama being a race baiter who always complained and never referenced the progress made. This has been debunked by a cursory look at the evidence which I have posted, which hasn't been responded to.

Your other claim was that racism hasn't been a real issue for 20 years. The two reports from the DoJ dispute that, claiming the disproortionate targetting of minorities were system in the police departments and city government and complaints about this racism and abuse of power were routinely downplayed or ignored altogether.

Having your original claims debunked has made your positions untenable, so you've resorted to completely separate issues that you wouldn't be asking about if your original assertions were true - so in some way you obviously accept your original positions were not accurate.

An admission of this would be a good start.

The disconnect is you think your videos and link are proof of anything.
Dude 90 percent of his speeches involved race and class warfare.

But you're right. ..He was great for race relations. Just look around at all the good he did.
So you are trying to say that there isn' a problem with racism in the last 20 years then trying to say look at all the problems Obama didn't fix?
I'm not sure you're making your point very well.
So you are trying to say that there isn' a problem with racism in the last 20 years then trying to say look at all the problems Obama didn't fix?
I'm not sure you're making your point very well.

No I said he was terrible for race relations. Get the difference?

And again, you're confusing results with racism.
Can you quantitatively show how he was terrible or is that just your opinion?

You say "again" but I've only posted one comment and it talks nothing of results.
Can you explain what you think is a result vs racism?
It's hard for me to believe that anyone who actually followed the news can say this. Even if you don't like the changes Obama has made, you can't deny that he's made more significant changes than anyone since at least Reagan (who made some bad ones).

Ya he some how managed to set race relations back 60 years
Obama's being black and president definitely drove a lot of people batty.
No more so than any candidate riles the opposition. The country elected him twice in landslides. You're just superconditioned to see anyone with dark skin as a victim, even the President of the United States. Its pretty absurd really. I mean, what is Obama supposed to be excused from criticism that every other president in the history of the institution received because of racism? Give me a fucking break.
No more so than any candidate riles the opposition. The country elected him twice in landslides. You're just superconditioned to see anyone with dark skin as a victim, even the President of the United States. Its pretty absurd really. I mean, what is Obama supposed to be excused from criticism that every other president in the history of the institution received because of racism? Give me a fucking break.

Learn to read in context. The guy accused Obama of setting race relations back. It's true that there's been an uptick in white nationalism as part of the backlash against a black president, but that's hardly his fault.
I actually work in an incredibly diverse environment..and I spend 5 days a week in nyc. We have 200 employee, white, black, Muslim, gay, etc. And you know what? Everybody gets along great. No one is discriminated against or held back. In fact periodically there is a promotion where they take about 10 employees and they are always looking for minorities who are interested. They are encouraged to apply and accepted at a much higher rate. In fact every job I've worked at employers have bent over backwards to hire, maintain, and promote minorities.

I'm not a redneck or methhead. I don't hunt, drive a truck, or live in the south. I'm a educated white guy in high income bracket that just happens to disagree with you and the left that Blacks are victims of anything. In fact I think Blacks 35 and under are the benefactors of the suffering their ancestors endured. And instead of focusing on the inner thoughts of a very small percentage of the population, they should celebrate that they have every opportunity to succeed that those before them didn't have.

I would have never guessed you were white.

Great anecdote about your work environment, great logical fallacy to extend that to the entire country or think of it as "evidence" in the context of this discussion.
I would have never guessed you were white.

Great anecdote about your work environment, great logical fallacy to extend that to the entire country or think of it as "evidence" in the context of this discussion.

Who the fuck are you and why do I care
And fun fact. Dipshit#1 started making assumptions about me and my background. ... which is why I brought it up. Thanks for chiming in tho
What does leading behind mean to you? It seems nothing but a talking point.

His inaction on healthcare? What about the Republican Congress refusing to allocate premium easement funds, and blocking the opt ins of their states, and withholding the obamacare money from their states?

The Middle East? You're going to put the ME on him? really? After getting us out of two wars?

I'm sure Vladimir Putin respects and fears Donald Trump. Because you know, Donald Trump is the definition of a hard man. He's not at all a rich bitch who has never done a day of hard work in his life, right.
Getting us out of what? He never got us out of Afghanistan and ISIS rose up during his presidency. So yanking us out of Iraq so quickly was kinda silly. EVERYONE in the military KNEW he was lying when he went on record saying, "we've trained and stood up the Iraqi Army so they will defend themselves". BULLSHIT!!!!!!

Oh and he tried to get us into Syria but too many Americans gave him the ol' FUCK YOU, not gonna happen!! Which was kinda cool seeing the American people pull together for once.
Getting us out of what? He never got us out of Afghanistan and ISIS rose up during his presidency. So yanking us out of Iraq so quickly was kinda silly. EVERYONE in the military KNEW he was lying when he went on record saying, "we've trained and stood up the Iraqi Army so they will defend themselves". BULLSHIT!!!!!!

Oh and he tried to get us into Syria but too many Americans gave him the ol' FUCK YOU, not gonna happen!! Which was kinda cool seeing the American people pull together for once.
we gonna ignore that the Iraqi pull out was scheduled by Dubya? or are we to assume we were all set for Iraq 2: Never Ending Story and that damned Obummer came in and kicked the castle over and created ISIS with pure will?
- was half black in arguably the most racist first world country

I am guessing you are like 95% of all the other Americans in the US and have NEVER stepped foot out of the country.

Well, I have. I've been to more countries than you have fingers and toes.

In Germany: An easy way the Germans tell if a black guy is American or not? "he or she is walking around with white people". THAT is what MANY German people tell me how they know if they are American or not. Because you next to NEVER see Germans walking around with black people.

In Spain: HAAAAA!! good luck. Not too long ago at soccer games many Spanish people would make monkey sounds when the ball gets passed to a black guy on the field.

In Russia: They either won't acknowledge black people or the cops detain you and grill you with all kinds of questions just for being there.

In France: NOT friendly to black people at all unless you are Cheik Kongo.

In Austria: I PERSONALLY got many dirty looks for walking hand in hand with my ex brazilian girlfriend who was 3 shades darker than me. Austrian people would look at me as if I just committed a crime.

Australia: fellow Marines that went there kept getting asking why we, "let so many black guys in our military".

Saudi Arabia: well... slavery still exist there essentially so....

And those are just the 1st world countries off the top of my head. Don't get me started with 3rd world countries.
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Leading behind, Obama was terrified of rocking the boat. He would never make a split second decision. Everything was mulled over, and by the time he made the decision, it was often too late.

I voted for Obama. I was very excited when healthcare passed, until I saw the shitty plans I was offered. If you remember when he took on and beat all of congress in a q&a about healthcare. What did he do? He handed it over to a bunch of assholes who came up with a terrible plan. Of course, looking back, I really think it was designed to fail so Hillary could install single payer.

Yes, he completely botched every foreign policy decision in his last 6 years. He "led from behind" during the Arab spring. He toppled Libya with no plan. And I'm sure you know where I sit on his decisions in Syria.

Yes, Putin is absolutely cautious in dealing with Trump. One of the first things he did was stroll over to Syria and drop a few bombs. Putin didn't do shit. It doesn't matter if he's a rich bitch. He put Mattis in charge, and Putin wants NONE of that.

The one decision I can think of that he made really quickly was to remove the Whistle Blower Protection statement from the Hope and Change website as soon as the Edward Snowden situation came to the forefront. I'm talking it was the super quick.
we gonna ignore that the Iraqi pull out was scheduled by Dubya? or are we to assume we were all set for Iraq 2: Never Ending Story and that damned Obummer came in and kicked the castle over and created ISIS with pure will?
If you were there with me in Camp Taji or Ramadi in 2009 you would have NEVER posted half of that because then you'd know better. Not to mention Mosul. We all knew those soldiers were just gonna quit once we left.

There was no set schedule and you know it. Once administrations changed that shit went out the window. The other "scheduled" pullout years bogus and it would change every year.
While racism is a human problem, let's be serious... it's not harming whites in society. It's harming the black community.

Young blacks certainly experience true racism and pretending like they don't is silly. While it's certainly better than older generations, there's definitely true racism around. I live in a major city with a large black population, and as a white guy I hear the most racist shit come out of white people's mouths all the time.

The fact is, more blacks are in college than ever before. So acting like they are squandering anything to pretend like they are just victims is blatantly false. The majority of the real black community is moving forward every day, but they are still being held back by racism. Want an example? My black fiancee is a great lawyer. She can't even wear her hair natural because it's too "ethnic". She has to straighten it up to make it look more white. And in my experience, black sounding names often get tossed out of resume stacks. Things like that still happen all the time and it's not just because they are pretending to be victims.

That's just a really dumb thing to say. Pretending like thousands of different people over years are all talking about "RESULTS" is crazy. People talk about different things because they all have different opinions.

The question why? People know why. They got treated like shit and couldn't get an education or share white services until the 70s. All the while, they were economically limited by a lack of job availability and housing limitations. Couldn't get a job because nobody wanted to hire blacks and they couldn't move to a nice area because nobody wanted blacks in their nice white neighborhoods. Then the drug war systematically targeted black male youths and the men who would be those fathers and income providers, sending them to jail at record rates for long periods of time.

The black community is recovering from a few hundred years of being treated like straight dog shit by Americans, and people really want to pretend like all of that shouldn't have lasting consequences or that we don't know why. We know why. We just don't want to admit why.

If the black community had migrated to America and been afforded the same opportunities as everyone else who was white did, do you really think they'd have the same problems they have today? I don't think they would.

No way in hell am I or any level headed person gonna believe this crap. Sam Harris debunked all of this shit years ago. Sift through his podcasts, you'll find it.
No way in hell am I or any level headed person gonna believe this crap. Sam Harris debunked all of this shit years ago. Sift through his podcasts, you'll find it.

Lol Sam Harris most certainly hasn't debunked racism.

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