Older Sherbros, bestow some knowledge on younger guys.


It's like simple manners like this are all but lost in society.

Ever have someone not showing up to something (they probably never intended to show up) and they don't let you know until you call them?

"I'm going to add more to this post later."

Please do, it's solid advice. What's the GSP thing mean though?
There seems to be this idea creeping in these days that manners and courtesy are some kind of weakness, I really don’t understand it.
"ALL" seems a bit much, but it is a LOT. Women cheat at the same rate as men.
It's strictly based on the fact that every woman I've known has admitted to cheating. Except my girlfriends, in our relationships... but the chances seem that before the thing we had went South, all of em probably did and I didn't find out.
Not every fight is worth fighting.
They make for great stories after the fact, and chicks dig scars. But broken knuckles and hands make for painful winters later in life.
Do what you want to do, not what others say you should do.
Don’t fight anyone with cauliflower ears and don’t run upstairs.
If you got to spit, you got to spit.

And right now, I got to spit.
Find a way to make a living doing what you like, even if the money isn't as good. They say life is short, but that's bullshit. Life is long, especially if it sucks. During the week, you spend more time working than awake at home with your family. Make it as enjoyable as possible.

No matter how hot she is, sooner or later you've got to pull out and have a conversation. The worst sex I ever had with an 8 was still pretty damned good, but having to carry on a conversation with a gorgeous stupid bitch is fucking agony. Fuck as many dimes as you can, and then marry your friend.

I don't regret any of the stupid shit I did. It's part of what made me me.

You can learn to pack your chute. You can take the lessons and even ride the plane up to altitude. But you aren't a skydiver unless you jump. Don't cheat yourself out of life. Jump motherfucker, and do it with your eyes open and your hair on fire. Peace.
Work and save as much as you can and learn to invest it properly.

Due to the power of the exponential function and compound interest over time. 10 years of not saving and investing as little as 1k a year early on in your life could cost you millions later on.

Same principle applies to relationships, education etc
It's strictly based on the fact that every woman I've known has admitted to cheating. Except my girlfriends, in our relationships... but the chances seem that before the thing we had went South, all of em probably did and I didn't find out.

Could it be you're hanging around a particular depraved crowd? Lol
Focus on a career. Stay away from getting married or having children. I had to clue what I wanted to do in my 20's and ended up pissing it away getting drunk etc.. Hitting rock bottom. While working a shit job. Don't do that.

I have a career job now and make great money but my 20's were wasted.

Enjoying your job is #1 priority.
This'll probably get lost b/c I'm posting it 6 pages in...

I'm gonna be 31 soon. I'm far from an old wise sage, but I think I've being in your 30s can somewhat qualify you to give some good advice. Here's what I learned:

- Value your Youth - Your 20s last a few seconds - They are slow at first and begin to speed up. One day you are young and the prime audience of pop culture. Before you know it, pop culture is catering to a younger crowd. The music sounds stupid. The lingo is dumb. Like someone said it doesn't matter how "cool" you were in your hayday, everyone your age and above is the same age "lame". Soon there will be people much younger than you and much older, but no one your age for some reason.

Major in STEM - If you go to college and not trade school, don't major in any other crap or you won't be able to find a job. You can major is some other fields if you plan to go to graduate school.

Stop giving a fuck what others think - A good 90 something percent of people are only going to be in your life for a short period of time. Don't waste time worrying about what they think of you or living your life trying to please them. Even your parents; so many people are living their parents' 2nd life, and it's really a waste.

Don't get a record- You'll realize how stupid little fights are and how childish "posturing" is when you get older. "I gotta fight him because he called me a bitch" in hindsight is the dumbest thing ever. Don't do other stupid crap, that'll get you in trouble. Your feelings are temporary, a record is forever.

Learn, travel, meet other people - The number of people who never leave their circles is ridiculous. In your youth you are freer than you will ever be. Hang out with a different crowd. Learn a new culture, grow the fuck up! It'll give you more stories, make you more interesting, and you'll be more cultured.

On women:

Have sex with a lot of women - Not irresponsibly so that you get an STD, pregnancy, or MeToo'd. At a certain age that's all they want to do, later the get a bit more conservative. Get it out of your system. What you haven't gotten out of your system is going to be unfinished business that want's to creep up later.

After your 20s - You're gonna feel creepy talking to girls who are 18 to early 20s when you are in your 30s.

Approach the hottest girl - Seriously, if you see Gal Gadot at a party and she's single go talk to her! There is no magic line, just start chatting and see where it goes.

There are almost 8 billion people on the planet. No one gives a fuck if some girl rejected you, it isn't as important as you think it is. Not every hot girl is a bitch, and not every homely girl is easy. You won't believe the opportunities you missed out on because you were too scared to act and (falsely) thought you'd get rejected. If you do get rejected they'll be another hot one.

There is no perfect woman - Everyone has flaws and ALL chicks are at least a little crazy. When you find the right one, don't sabotage it and regret it later, hold on to that crap. The grass isn't greener on the other side.

Don't get married too fast - Listen to me, you're an idiot... you can't see it while you're young, but you'll realize it when you get older. You don't know what you want. Hell, "what you want" is gonna change many times. Yes, we all know some high school sweethearts who got married and remained married for 2,343 years and lived happily ever after, but there are a lot of young bf and gf who got married too fast because of puppy love and it ended up miserable. If you guys are meant to be together it'll happen, stop rushing it because you see all of your friends on Facebook doing it!
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Stop being so gynocentric to the point where it clouds your thinking.
Stop with the running. Its not going away. Get it over with and then move on. Itll be easier an less costly in the long haul
I'm only 29, but if I could speak to myself at 20 I would say:

- Reduce the amount of student loans you take out (if you choose the college path). Live at home, apply for scholarships and grants, etc. Sounds silly but at that age I didn't really understand the concept of debt. Sort of looked at it like it was free money.
- Pick a major and stick with it. Choose a major that will lead to a job after graduation. Don't take unnecessary classes. That creative writing class was fun, but was it really worth the cost of the credits?
- Quit/Don't start drinking. I started drinking around this age and it would've been much easier to kick the habit back then.
- Save your money. Don't finance your first car; pay cash for a beater. Don't spend anything on your credit card unless you have the money to pay it off immediately. I'd basically just give myself a run down on basic personal finance.

I'm sure there are a few others but these are the big ones. Knowing me though, I wouldn't have taken any of this advice.

Edit: Oh yeah. If you don't take my advice on the creative writing course or the drinking, you'll go to a house party and see a girl from that class. Get her number and hang out with her. She was totally into you and your HS girlfriend is about to break up with you in a few months. Or just be nicer to your HS girlfriend. Either or.
Yeah no shit! I turned 30 this past October and was like holyshit! 24 feels like it wasn't that long ago, what happened?
I’m 52 and i find that the 40s and 50s have been my best years by far. Looking forward to retiring in 3 years and getting out of the rat race!
I’m 52 and i find that the 40s and 50s have been my best years by far. Looking forward to retiring in 3 years and getting out of the rat race!

I wonder if there are some 89-90 year old Sherdoggers that we could get advice from...
Early 50’s seems like early twenties. I’m wondering what adventures are next.