Overwatch Official Discussion, v2: ELO Hell (hello darkness my old friend)

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Downloaded it last night and I'm impressed so far.

Great characters minus a few wonky ones, and holy shit are the maps wonderful.

Playing a lotta D.Va and Mei so far. Out of all the heroes I gotta give it up to the tanks though.
I don't like the current meta either. I don't care about ranking though so I mostly play quick games or the new map. Lucky to get 2 tanks in quick games, let alone 3.

I don't care to much about ranking either I just enjoy the competition more. Things are to easy in quick play and people leave to much. Otherwise that is what I would play.
Installing it right now. Stoked to try it.

My battle.net id is AlienProtein. Add me if you play on European servers.
Finally made it into Gold. Rose from 1300-1400 into 2000. Never thought I would make it honestly the teams I would get matched up with were just mind blowingly bad. I noticed picking Reinhardt all the time seemed to do the trick. To many players pick him and don't use his shield they just wait to charge someone because apparently getting a kill is more important then winning the game or keeping your team alive.

My current most annoying pet peeve is people picking all attack characters for defense or vice versa. Had one guy who I asked to switch from Pharah to Mei or Bastion for defense. We already had soldier we were good on attack characters. He stays Pharah and we do ok. Then on attack he tries to switch to fucking bastion. I was like WTF are you doing pick Pharah now it's ok to pick her. So he does and we win thankfully.

Rein is an actual carry character especially in lower ranks. You can fuck things up with him while still protecting your whole team. If they don't have a particularly good Rein on the opponent team you can bully him and negate his ult while you smash their team with your own. If you have a good Rein with a good Ana then you guys can carry despite having mediocre/bad DPS or other tanks
Rein is an actual carry character especially in lower ranks. You can fuck things up with him while still protecting your whole team. If they don't have a particularly good Rein on the opponent team you can bully him and negate his ult while you smash their team with your own. If you have a good Rein with a good Ana then you guys can carry despite having mediocre/bad DPS or other tanks

Yep my main issue is always the healer. Sometimes people try to only have Lucio and I have very mixed results with that. Whenever someone goes Mercy or Ana though we usually wreck the other team. I've played Rein so much now that I've just got him down really good. Don't rush in and I drop my shield when I can but I spend almost all my time focusing on blocking as many people as I can. If a healer gets close to me then I'll drop it to take them out really quick once again only if I can.

It still makes me laugh when I see a Rein just rush in by himself. I get happy cause I know this team is about to lose the game.
Yep my main issue is always the healer. Sometimes people try to only have Lucio and I have very mixed results with that. Whenever someone goes Mercy or Ana though we usually wreck the other team. I've played Rein so much now that I've just got him down really good. Don't rush in and I drop my shield when I can but I spend almost all my time focusing on blocking as many people as I can. If a healer gets close to me then I'll drop it to take them out really quick once again only if I can.

It still makes me laugh when I see a Rein just rush in by himself. I get happy cause I know this team is about to lose the game.

An aggressive Rein works but your team needs to support. My friend mains Rein and myself and a few others are OK enough with Rein and we are all pretty aggressive. Just need to know when you should do it and when you do you need your team to follow in or else Rein will get picked off then the rest of the team will follow.

It's probably safer to be more defensive especially if you solo queue. If you're in PC maybe tell the teammates to follow you in if you charge usually I think hey will listen. If you're on console then good luck getting people to use the mic lol
An aggressive Rein works but your team needs to support. My friend mains Rein and myself and a few others are OK enough with Rein and we are all pretty aggressive. Just need to know when you should do it and when you do you need your team to follow in or else Rein will get picked off then the rest of the team will follow.

It's probably safer to be more defensive especially if you solo queue. If you're in PC maybe tell the teammates to follow you in if you charge usually I think hey will listen. If you're on console then good luck getting people to use the mic lol

Yea I've seen it work it's just very low percentage imo compared to just shielding and letting DPS take everyone out. If they have a zenyata it's pretty much suicide cause he will discord and they all target up at that point.
Yea I've seen it work it's just very low percentage imo compared to just shielding and letting DPS take everyone out. If they have a zenyata it's pretty much suicide cause he will discord and they all target up at that point.

I think the DPS is struggling a bit, most games I see the other team has too much shielding going on for the DPS to really get anything going without a big committed push or a really good pick. Having an aggressive Rein works here because his pin will either guarantee a pick or break up their shielding and then as long as you have good healing and smart teammates they will then be able to kill things more easily because the enemy is broken up

Just something to keep in mind. Maybe you haven't seen it too often but if you start noticing your DPS not doing shit it's likely because the enemy team has too much shielding and in that scenario the aggressive Rein helps a lot as long as your team is on the same page
I think the DPS is struggling a bit, most games I see the other team has too much shielding going on for the DPS to really get anything going without a big committed push or a really good pick. Having an aggressive Rein works here because his pin will either guarantee a pick or break up their shielding and then as long as you have good healing and smart teammates they will then be able to kill things more easily because the enemy is broken up

Just something to keep in mind. Maybe you haven't seen it too often but if you start noticing your DPS not doing shit it's likely because the enemy team has too much shielding and in that scenario the aggressive Rein helps a lot as long as your team is on the same page

Yea I know what you mean I've seen this situation happen it's kind of rare but it does happen. Two solutions I've seen is having Diva and just attack from the outside until she gets her ult and then push with her ulting at the same time. This is usually when i try to charge the Rein because he tries to shield Diva's ult.

Another thing I've found that works well is having a tracer or pharah attack them from the back. That will usually get the team to start splitting up to deal with them. The Diva ult is really what works well though.
That's one thing I really like about Zarya, is that I can handle other tanks most of the time, especially if my weapon is charged. D.Va is an incredibly popular and powerful pick right now, and I can melt her head to head.

I've been watching videos and playing Winston on certain maps. It's a difficult and risky play-style, but it can be surprisingly rewarding. It's fun harrassing the healers on their back line, and the dps on our backlines. I've found a lot of people, at least in quick play, don't know how to deal with Winston.
Holy fuck this game rocks. Started it yesterday just to test it, when I looked at the clock next, I realized 6 hours had passed.

Fav characters so far:

- The robot zen master
- Genji
- The guy with the hook and the shotgun
That's one thing I really like about Zarya, is that I can handle other tanks most of the time, especially if my weapon is charged. D.Va is an incredibly popular and powerful pick right now, and I can melt her head to head.

I've been watching videos and playing Winston on certain maps. It's a difficult and risky play-style, but it can be surprisingly rewarding. It's fun harrassing the healers on their back line, and the dps on our backlines. I've found a lot of people, at least in quick play, don't know how to deal with Winston.

I need to enter some quickplay games and start using her again. She's been pretty crazy since her buff. Even before then she was pretty good.
I'm pretty tired of Symmetra already.
I need to enter some quickplay games and start using her again. She's been pretty crazy since her buff. Even before then she was pretty good.
If you end up on a team that constantly keeps her charged she's so hard to shutdown.
Been awhile since I really got into an online multi player but kind of fiending one. All I see is everyone saying this is fucking amazing in here lol so I think I will buy this
Another thing I've found that works well is having a tracer or pharah attack them from the back.
I started picking up Pharah over the holidays and had a lot of success with her. I'm still working on the timing to lead her shots, but yeah, she can definitely scatter the opponents' formation if you time your flanking with the rest of the team fight. And since no one ever looks out for the healers, they're always my first picks unless there's a Torb turret or sentry Bastion that requires my attention.
I started picking up Pharah over the holidays and had a lot of success with her. I'm still working on the timing to lead her shots, but yeah, she can definitely scatter the opponents' formation if you time your flanking with the rest of the team fight. And since no one ever looks out for the healers, they're always my first picks unless there's a Torb turret or sentry Bastion that requires my attention.

Yep she's great for hitting the team behind Rein's shield as well or just Rein himself.
A bit of a tangent here, but did anyone complete the Nexus Challenge on Heroes of The Storm for the Genji skin? I waited until the last minute but it wasn't hard at all to find someone to friend co-op with as the "New Player" chat was filled with others who put it off until the end. I actually ended up enjoying the game, especially since (and I had forgotten this) I had Tracer already available as an OW Origins bonus. And then I realized I had a bonus for something called "Hearthstone" as well, so I went to check that out and fell in love with it. I was all about Yu-Gi-Oh and Vs System back in the day and I think I found a game to fill that TCG void. OW was my first Blizzard game but they're doing a good job of pulling me into their other offerings.
I've never played Junk Rat before but gave him a try. I'm loving it so far.
I'm losing a lot. Like a 1:3 win-loss ratio, and I can't figure out why. I play with one other friend and the majority of the time we have either gold or silver in every category but we aren't wining. I'm starting to think it's us even tho we've been playing great individually and it feels like we're the only 2 ever on the point. It's really starting to take away from how much fun I've been having playing.
Junk is lots of fun and can be really effective on offense and defense on certain maps. When you start playing against better players, he becomes an easy target though.

I'm playing competitive to work towards my golden gun, sitting at around 2300SR. Almost strictly running Zarya (attack) and D.Va (defense) right now. Been working on my Mei as well because she's a great counter to the current meta.
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