Law South Korea aims to ban eating dogs by ‘27 *Update: Parliamentary committee passes bill

Is it legal to commercially produce dog meat in South Korea? Is dog consumption not rare?

Sounds like a swiss excuse-ism to me.

Double standards, eh?

Double standards always exist when racism is involved.
Is there an available list of dog types that are best for consumption?

There has to be a list, with it being on the menu for so long.

From wiki:

The Korea Observer reported that many different pet breeds of dog are eaten in South Korea, including Labrador Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels, and that the dogs slaughtered for their meat may include former pets.[240]

The Tosa, or Japanese Fighting Dog is replacing older breeds or mutts in South Korea. The Tosa is not commonly a pet and is banned in multiple countries; it is also very lean with a little bit of fat, making it perfect for meat production. Currently only Government-Approved dog farms in Korea raise Tosa for meat.[313]

The Dabengou translated as "Big Dumb Dog" is the most used dog in dog meat farms in China. They are mutts produced by breeding St. Bernard dogs from Russiaor Kazakhstan with local Chinese dogs. This produces a "beef" like texture of fat and lean, allowing the dog meat to be made into more tender dishes like burgers, sausages or steaks. They also produce larger amounts of pups, weigh over 90 Kg, grow up faster and are immune to most dog diseases. A single St. Bernard from a premium Chinese breeding farm can range from $3000–4000 since it is desired so much to produce larger mutts.[314]
it's very simple. while many people tend to fall into the category of different culture hard to judge, any slight investigation into the practice reveals that their reasons and methods for doing so are batshit insane
I actually remember buying spare ribs in ALDI and thinking they had a similar taste to what I imagine dog would taste like (sort of like musty wet dog smell but by taste.) I spit it out because it just wasn't nice. I imagine that's how they taste.
What a load of BS!!!
How is it any different from eating domesticated cows, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, etc?

You sound very much like an asian-hating racist.

Drawing a line for moral/immoral animal types? Are you fucking delusional?

So enlightened

Shut up dogs aren't food.
Vulgarity of consumption is weighed against perceived levels of human-like intelligence. It's quite a story!
Another push for eating worms and crickets, eh?..

P.s. the Swiss have been eating dogs for centuries. I don't see much news about the Swiss in the media.

P.p.s.s. As a former vegetarian and, hopefully, future resumed vegetarian I am all for banning any animal meat consumption, i.e. mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, AND insects.

Man that's nuts. Just because you want to make a choice you want to force the same choice on the rest of your countrymen? That's pure insanity.
This is way overblown. Been to Korea. The vast majority do not eat dog and have never eaten it in their lives.
Obviously a chihuahua, perfect size for taco…

This is way overblown. Been to Korea. The vast majority do not eat dog and have never eaten it in their lives.
Yeah same with China honestly, the younger generation won’t even consider eating them
Wow... way to put yourself out there.....are you sure you can manage it by 2027??? You maybe want to go for 2040?