Crime What did the cops do wrong today. Vol. 1

What a piece of shit
26 years on the job....makes you wonder when else has he been ok with "making shit up as we go?

Lying and threatening jail to everyone was so natural. Made up the ticket for the seatbelt. Threatens jail if the mom calls 911. This is America?
Threatening to falsely imprison someone should be a crime. It's some bullshit that cops and civilians have a different set of rules. They can lie to you with impunity , willfully try and mislead you, confuse you, and pressure you, but if you lie, you're going to jail.

Lol and how fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like this in 2018? There's a camera on your car. There are witnesses. Smartphones. Body cam. How can any of these morons think they'll get away with this shit anymore?
But, the real problem is pro football players kneeling during the anthem, just ask President Scumbag.
Piece of shit cop refusing to protect an American from a piece of shit old Trumper.
Just going by the video, this cop needs escorted to the unemployment line.
So the racist idiot was arrested for assault among other things. So that cop watched an assault occur and did nothing until another person came to defend his sister from the assault in progress.

This is not a good look to have a cop watching a white guy accost another person over her not being white enough and do nothing about it. This is type if thing that will undermine community relationships more then them getting jumpy with their tazer. Can't even resort to the "should of complied" excuse on this one. That cop just straight up had no interest in helping that woman who was under attack for her race.

Then again maybe we're being to hard on the racist idiot. I seem to remember our own president being unaware that Puerto Rico was US territory, its citizens US citizens. So I mean if that's the bar we set for president I can't be that mad at a drunk idiot for not knowing either can I.
Haha this thread is a lose lose, I’m just here for the entertainment
I'm far, far from being a liberal and I am pro-cops, but I like to call things straight as I see them. Legit question.

Do you think if this was a drunk black male, aggressively invading a white female's personal space, putting their hand in their face, stalking them when they are walking away, white female asking for help, that the cop would have sat back and not approached the situation at all?

These are the things I find it very difficult to say "yes, it would have played out exactly the same" as a response.

That particular cop? I don't know. I don't know what his problem was. Part of me thinks he was out of his depth, and simply didn't want to get involved in any conflict by himself. He's some fat old dorky looking guy, and it's not hard to believe that he's just not cut out for that line of work.

As far as your example goes in general, I honestly don't know nowadays. Cops might actually be more reluctant to deal with those kind of incidents when race is involved, simply because they don't want end up on the news if shit goes south.
That particular cop? I don't know. I don't know what his problem was. Part of me thinks he was out of his depth, and simply didn't want to get involved in any conflict by himself. He's some fat old dorky looking guy, and it's not hard to believe that he's just not cut out for that line of work.

As far as your example goes in general, I honestly don't know nowadays. Cops might actually be more reluctant to deal with those kind of incidents when race is involved, simply because they don't want end up on the news if shit goes south.
You didn’t call the cop double racist
So now you’re racist
You damned racist
How dare you think the cop was just thinking as long as nobody touches each other I can leave when this tard runs out of steam and staying out of it
There's not much you can do as a cop to prevent people from verbally abusing each other. First amendment and all.

The situation went well all things considered. If the cop had intervened, who knows, maybe it would've escalated the situation to a point where physical force would have been used.
There's not much you can do as a cop to prevent people from verbally abusing each other. First amendment and all.

The situation went well all things considered. If the cop had intervened, who knows, maybe it would've escalated the situation to a point where physical force would have been used.

No, that's not actually how the first amendment works. See the fact that the harassing individual was arrested once a competent officer arrived.

The cop had the ability to stop the situation and choose to do nothing as a clearly intoxicated belligerent individual continued to verbally and physically harass another. He choose to not even remotely attempt to diffuse the situation.

He watched an assault occur with his hands in his pockets.
The ignorance of posters piling up on poor @Seano for simply pointing out that unions aren't the "good guy" when it comes to labor matters, but rather the "guy" that represents the laborer, is quite humorous:
California Protects Pedophile Teachers
The fall of teachers unions

Unions are sanctimonious-- not benevolent institutions. They don't care about making the world a better place. They care about making the world a better place for their members; even if at cost to the public good. That is their most basic function. Really, the level of naivete and ignorance required to believe
Because they think that their culture of Police in America makes it acceptable and they think it will get a cover it up from the inside.

It's not a few bad apples, but it feels like there's only a few good apples anymore.
The good apples don't last long, either quit or get spoiled.
Should have put hands on that geriatric fuck. Violence is the only language some people understand.
Dude.....your voter base ALSO sucker punches the elderly.... And the children.

Your voter base use the police as proxies and then play the victim on the news.

You know as much as we shit on them frail purple haired pixies on the left...

The right sure does have a certain type too. Fat, humongous ankles, navy blue matched with black pants, and sports glasses to cover the look of perpetual misery.





Yeah. Totally needs to be ignored.
Story of lowest picture?
Honestly, justice would be a bunch of her Puerto Rican brothers/cousins/ uncles show up and teach the Drunk some manners, they usually don't take too kindly to people disrespecting their females.
Shes white, her dad is a cop, and she decided to date a black kid.

Welp. She wanted to piss him off, mission accomplished.
There's not much you can do as a cop to prevent people from verbally abusing each other. First amendment and all.

That cop could’ve arrested that guy and charged him with several things if he wanted to ( like they do many times when they ‘feel like it’)
always a bitch move to pick on the weaker
Whatsamatta, I though lefties were all about harassing others...
LOL at the crocodile tears flowing ITT. You guys opened up this can of worms, it is satisfying to see it come back and bite your own ass.

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