Which actor/actress portrayed/charactarized an android/AI/cyborg the best or the litmus test

I dont have the option



I may have to watch this movie now.

It's the best scene in the film.

Apocalypse gets down to 'Get down' by Oliver Cheatham with a sexy Asian
while a scrawny computer nerd looks on.

That scene, or when Alicia Vikander gets totally naked, showing off her cute (flat) little tuche.

I still prefer classic Arnold from T1/T2 (even though the character is quite different).

His robotic delivery/weird accent is just perfect for the role. Really comes across as a robot trying (and failing) to pass as a human.
What did you all think of Blade Runner 2049?

I thought Ryan Gosling pulled off being a replicant very well. There were some pretty strong moments where you can almost see his little robot brain trying to comprehend these human emotions he is experiencing... the roof top scene when he gets the portable holo device for his robot girl, when he finds out where the name Joe comes from, etc.
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I’d never heard the term “litmus test” so I was really thrown off by the title. Learned something new.

Anyways, I can’t decide on who was best imo. But fuck it; the chick from ex machina.