WAR ROOM LOUNGE V17: The Stuff Under Your You-Know-What

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Yeah, I think this is the case for most people unless you yourself have a strong accent. In the Midwest, it's common. I went to high school in a small town where everyone sounds like they are from Texas, despite being only a few hours away from Chicago. If I spend a prolonged time there or with someone from there I begin to have a similar accent.

I didn't realize how thick my Okie mutt accent was until I got off stage and thought I was exaggerating it and my tour partner was like "nah dude that's how you talk"

I was all...
I just realized how judgemental I am. I was wondering why I hate Khabib so much and realized it's because he's an ugly motherfucker.
It would suck to be ugly and not be able to post on Sherdog.
Brought this here because it was a non-sequitur to the thread it was in but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your proper use of "fewer" instead of the much more common misuse of "less".

I guess language is an evolving thing but I see otherwise intelligent people making this mistake so often it's become accepted. Right up there with "irregardless" .

Just a pet peeve, carry on folks.

I don’t use regardless or irregardless in sentences cause I know I’ll get it wrong.
AlanB also went on a rant one time about how the judge should have been lenient when War Machine beat that woman half to death. Why? Because we used to understand when a man lost his temper over a female, and War machine is not a criminal, he's a victim. Victim of what? Radical feminism. Lol. Oh, the good ole days.

Keep in mind, he claims to be a lawyer.

Here's the post, before anyone pretends he didn't actually say that.

I didn't realize how thick my Okie mutt accent was until I got off stage and thought I was exaggerating it and my tour partner was like "nah dude that's how you talk"

I was all...

I said ''eh'' once in a conversation since moving to Europe. Everyone noticed it immediately. I was all ''fuck.....FUCK!'' It was a sincere ''eh?'' like I was trying to build rapport with people about the previous sentence, eh?

I'm going to try to steel man @Lord Coke's argument because I think he has somewhat of a point, at least with this part
Yet the court did not take that into consideration and actually let Christie Mack decide whether a deal offered to War by the DA of 12 years would be allowed. She said no and the judge rejected the plea deal.
They should've allowed him to take that plea deal, its not exactly a slap on the wrist. Letting an obviously biased party decide whether or not to let it happens seems a bit unfair.

Also its not the worst thing he's posted at least...
DC does this anytime he talks to Khabib, he just starts imitating his accent for some reason.
I used to think I was doing people a favor by "talking like a baby" to someone learning English. Then I learned it's kind of insulting.
Supposedly imitating accents is an empathetic response, so I guess that means I'm an unfeeling bastard.

No Mr. Ruprecht. You feel.... You feel a great deal, so much so that i can sense the musk of your existence through the digital realm, I can envision the glistened corporeal form that predates the current formation to your symmetrical creed. You being an Arbiter is part of this sensation to yearn the metaphysical pathways to your fellow Sapien. You have yet to actualize yourself towards the penetrations of The Nexus as the ascension process is not yet complete.
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