2017 PotWR Round 1: Registration/Campaign Announcements

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Note: If you are easily offended, please steer clear of these threads while they are in

A year has passed since our very first President has been elected and his acting term has been served. With that, another election is on the line for who will hold the prestigious designation of the President of the War Room. Round 1 begins now. If you were unaware of this last year, please refer to last years threads:

Round 1: Registration/Announcements
Round 2: The Debate
Round 3: The Jungle Primary
Round 4: The General Election

What does a President of the War Room do?
Aside from the high honor of being elected by your peers to serve during the year, the President will be awarded their own bully pulpit (sticky thread) during the year. The contents can contain whatever topic(s) they decide so long as it doesn't violate hard forum rules.

How do I ensure I can vote?
You must make sure you requested to be registered before the thread is locked 11/17/17 9pm EST. Tag me in your post that you would like to be registered and I will screen your account to see if you are an eligible citizen of the War Room. The criteria is simple:
-200 posts in the War Room in 2017
-Join date is October 2016 or earlier
You also are free to help register other members as well who you think want to vote. Just tag me and let me know the poster.

How do I run for such a high and sacred office as PotWR?
Candidates must make their announcement speeches before Round 1 ends to be considered for Round 2. Please make a speech to the citizens of the War Room about why you are running with something along the lines "I announce my candidancy for the President of the War Room" and tag me in the post. Please keep in mind the length of your post is one of the criteria's to determine what candidates make it to Round 2 if there are more than 20 candidates so put some time into the speech. First recognized speech will be used for the tiebreaker criteria so don't mess up on your first announcement.

Can I call/endorse for someone else to run?
Of course. Feel free to tag anyone you think would be fit for this position before Round 1 ends in hopes of getting your preferred potential candidate in the race.

I didn't qualify as a registered War Room citizen this year. What should I do?

Voting is a small fraction of the event and your involvement still can be as much as you want it to be. Get involved with a campaign here and go from there. Endorse a candidate. Get posters you think would want involved to register. Get candidates you would like in the election to announce. Grill or praise candidates in the Round 2 debate. Control the narrative of the election with your own breaking news headlines. Track the registry and voting to keep up to date on the current tally of who's in the lead. This is election is whatever you make of it.

Further Reading/Rules/Details
Round 1 Registration/ Announcements

Like mentioned above, this round serves to establish who the pool of candidates will be and who will be eligible to vote in Round 3 and 4. If you want to be eligible to vote, you must make sure you requested to be registered before the thread is locked 11/17/17 9pm EST. Once the registered voter list is locked in Round 1, a voter cannot be added or removed (See 2016 Aged Flatus ruling). Only posters meeting the criteria of 200 posts made specifically in the War Room in 2017 and a join date of October 2016 or earlier will be registered. Candidates must announce before Round 1 ends to ensure they are considered for Round 2. Candidates must be registered War Room citizens to run. By making an announcement, will be screened first to see if they are qualified to vote and if true, will be added to both the Registered Voter and Candidate lists. Moderators and Admins are not eligible to run. In the event that over 20 eligible posters announce their candidacy, a tie-breaker is in place to determine who will remain. A formula will be used on each candidate to give them a score. This score will determine the order of the voting list of the first 20 candidates (Highest score first to lowest score last). Those with scores lower than 20th will no make it on to Round 2. If the current PotWR of this calendar year runs again, they automatically are seeded as 1. The seeding will also play subtle but important roles in Round 3 & 4 (see those sections). The formula to determine a score is as follows:
(Current Year-Join Date Year)x 1000 = A
Post Count at the time they are added = B
Number of Words in Announcment Speech Post x 5 = C (I will count the first qualified version of the speech, not edits. No redos)
Number of previous campaigns in prior year(s) by candidate x 1000= D
A+B+C+D= Candidate's Score

Round 2 The Debate/ Townhall
We will have our candidates decided by this point. Just like the registered voter list, the Candidates list will be locked as well. If a candidate drops out, they still will remain on the ballot and be treated as a candidate until the end of the election. Round 2 will serve as the vetting/scrutiny process. A series of questions will be given to each candidate that they will need to answer. I will PM them the questions and provide each of their answers in the OP. The OP will somewhat serve as the formal debate. Candidates should remember announcing early will ensure I can give your questions and get your answers in time for the OP. From there, anyone will be free to tag and ask the candidates questions whether hostile or civil. You will be free to grill or praise a candidate. This is the closest you will get to a call out thread opportunity in the WR. That is the price the candidates accepted when declaring to run after all.

Round 3 The Jungle Primary Round
The primary election will begin. The War Room will be using a multi-candidate friendly system. This means when the first poll closes, the two candidates with the most (registered/legal) votes will continue to the general/run off election. If there is a tie that affects who the top two candidates are, the candidate with the highest seeding will advance.
(Ex. 2 candidates tied for 2nd in votes. The one seeded higher will continue to the general with the candidate 1st in votes. Ex. Three candidates tie for 1st in votes. The two seeded highest will continue to the general election.)
only War Room registered citizen's votes will be included in the count once the poll closes. Candidates who have lost hope in progressing forward are free to make their concession speeches.

Round 4 The General Election
This will be our general election. Two candidates will be left to vote on. Both candidates will give a speech that will be provided in the OP. Drop-out candidates will also be able to submit any concession and/or endorsement speeches that haven't been made in Round 3 to be included in the OP. The candidate with the most eligible votes when the poll closes will be announced the winner. In the event of a tie, the following tiebreak procedure will be used:
Candidates who already lost will be assigned a value equal to the number of registered votes they received in Round 3. Whoever that drop-out candidate votes for will award that candidate the value they were alloted. Whichever candidate received the highest amount will win the tie breaker. (Ex. Drop Out Candidates A, B, & C got 5, 7, and 15 votes in the primary race. Drop Out Candidates A & B votes for Candidate D in the general election. Drop Out Candidate C votes for Candidate E in the general election. In the event of a tie, Candidate E would win the election.)

The winner of the election will begin their term and be awared their sticky thread in January 2018. They will serve as acting PotWR for 10 months until the end of October 2018.

The register voter list

@Aegon Spengler
@Al Gorithm
@Anung Un Rama

@Bloody Pulp
@Byron Carter
@Captain Davis
@carlos cadona

@computer fogie
@Cubo de Sangre
@Der Eisbar
@Devout Pessimist
@Diamond Jim
@Dr J

@Edison Carasio

@Farmer Br0wn
@forum poster

@Gutter Chris
@Ham Socks
@Hans Gercmiov
@Hans Gruber
@Hard To Tell

@Ice That Jaw

@Jack V Savage
@Jackie Blue
@King of Fists
@Last Samurai

@Limbo Pete
@Lionel Mandrake
@Liquid Smoke

@Lucifer Alpha
@Mark Hunts FIST
@Max Power


@n...not crazy
@no fat chicks

@Possum Jenkins
@Rational Poster

@Rex Kwon Do
@Roaming East

@S Class
@s karlyle
@Satanical Eve
@second sight

@Sir GymTanLaundry
@Son of Jamin
@Teen Wolf

@The Diplomat
@The Higher Power
@The ScorpioN
@The Witcher

@Undying Poster
@Unsurprised Diaz

@Whippy McGee
@Workers United

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Candidate List
@Rational Poster

VIVA 2018!

Economic progressive, social libertarian.

Are you tired of having to choose between corporate tea-baggers, and gun grabbing social Marxists?

Well, you have another option. You too can be for common sense economic policy of building roads and bridges, limiting the supply of labor through immigration policy, and rewarding corporations who increase the demand for labor with lower taxes, and raising taxes on corporations who reduce the demand for labor.

You too can support the 2nd amendment, legalizing the personal decision of recreational drug use, and the rejection of identity politics.

In the process of being elected president of the War room, I mean to build a coalition of WR posters, to organize this forum for political action.

My first act as WR president will be to organize a information and petition action against Democratic Illinois Representative Janet Schakowsky. She is a foreign agent, and has been hooked by foreign intelligence.

You can vote for clever slogans, and political partisanship, or you can vote for someone who will actually reshape the WR.

VIVA 2018!

I have four announcements to make:
1. I would like to register to vote. Thank you.
2. There are too many motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.
3. I am running for President, which would make @Palis the First Unwanted Step Child of the War room.
4. @ripskater has agreed to be my running mate.

I'm voting.

And effective immediately, i'm declaring myself Dictator of the War Room. You can call me...El Dictador. I hereby denounce this election unless it "coincidentally" comes out that i'm the winner with 100% of the vote.

I will not bring you fancy gimmicks or political action committees, I will simply bring the beautiful iron fist of stability.

@Lead, note that El Dictador has entered the fray (and declared himself victor by virtue of being the dictator) and that subversive elements will be sent to the dreaded Lubyanka for reeducation. I look forward to everyone voting correctly for me (or else).

Lady (@IngaVovchanchyn) and Gentlemen, you have summoned me on behalf of dozens of your fellow War Room Posters to lead a great crusade—for Freedom in this sub-forum and Freedom in all of Sherdog. I know something of the solemn responsibility of leading a crusade. I have led one in this very place. Long hours have I led the fight against endless shitposting and disinformation. I take up this task, therefore, in a spirit of deep obligation. Mindful of its burdens and of its decisive importance. I accept your summons. I will lead this crusade.

Our aims—the aims of this righteous crusade—are clear: to sweep from office an administration which has fastened on every one of us the wastefulness, the arrogance and corruption in high places, the heavy burdens and anxieties which are the bitter fruit of a party too long in power. No longer will we suffer the ineptitude of a President that cannot even muster as many likes as yours truly. A President whose own allies plotted against this very forum.

Much more than this, it is our aim to give to our sub-forum a program of progressive policies drawn from our finest Democratic and Republican traditions; to unite us wherever we have been divided; to strengthen freedom wherever among any group is has been weakened; to build a sure foundation for sound prosperity for all here at home and for a just and sure peace throughout our forum.

To achieve these aims we must have total victory; we must have more quality posters in our sub-forum; more quality posters in the heavies; and, of course, a quality poster holding the office of President of the War Room

Today is the first day of this great battle. The road that leads to victory is a fighting road. In that fight I will keep nothing in reserve..

In this battle to which all of us are now committed it will be my practice to meet and talk with Sherdog posters in every section, every corner, every nook and cranny of this forum.... even the Mayberry Lounge.

I know that such a momentous campaign cannot be won by a few or by divided or by uncertain forces. So to all those from the white belt level up who have worked long hours on difficult posts in support of our forum. I extend an earnest call to join up; join up for longer hours and harder work and even greater devotion to this cause. I call on you to bring into this effort your neighbors next door and across the street. This is not a job for any one of us or for just a few of us. This is a job for all responsible posters in the War Room.

We are now at a moment in history when, under diligent forum moderation, this forum of ours has become the mightiest temporal power and the mightiest spiritual force on earth. The destiny of mankind—the making of a world that will be fit for our children to live in—hangs in the balance on what we say and what we accomplish in these months ahead.

We must use our power wisely for the good of all our poster. If we do this, we will open a road into the future on which today's posters, white belt and gold belt alike, and the generations that come after them, can go forward—go forward to a life in which there will be far greater abundance of material, cultural, and spiritual rewards than our forefathers or we ever dreamed of.

We will so undergird our freedom that today's shit posters and those who tomorrow may rise up to threaten us, will not merely be deterred but stopped in their tracks. Then we will at last be on the road to real peace.

The posters here look to us to direct our forum's might to these purposes.

As we launch this crusade we call to go forward with us the blue belts, the green belts, the yellow belts, and even the white belts. This cause needs their enthusiasm, their devotion, and the lift their vision of the future will provide. We call to go forward with us the woman of this forum @IngaVovchanchyn; our workers, farmers, businessmen. As we go to the rest of the forum, posters in every walk of life can have confidence that our single-minded purpose is to serve their interest, guard and extend their rights and strengthen the forum that we so love.

We go out from here with unbounded trust in the Sherdog population. We go out from here to merit their unbounded trust in us.

Lady and gentlemen, my dear friends that have heaped upon me so many likes, more likes that our failed President @Palis, it is more than a campaign I announce today. It is a dedication —a dedication to the shining promise of tomorrow. As together we face that tomorrow, I beseech the prayers of all our posters and the blessing and guidance of the forum staff.

And with this post I, Rational Poster, declare my candidacy for the 2018 President of the War Room.


@Lead put me in the race already. I've had enough of your parlour tricks

"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"
"I announce my candidacy for the President of the War Room"

pcptornado said:
I announce my candidancy for the President of the War Room.

After winning the 2017 OT N00b Off I'm looking to expand my fearsome e-resume. I will be running on a platform of gifs of hot chicks, big booty hoes, and making the War Room great again!

Sherdog's Worst Poster, War Room edition, will also be back, and bigger and better than the last time.


I am officially running for POTWR.
Instead of boring everyone with the same old stuff all done last year already.
I would like to kick off my campaign with my first endorsement from a well know Austrian politician.

Ask and ye shall receive.

I am registering to vote and also announcing my candidacy.

As Ayatollah of the War Room I promise to resist the imperialist crusaders and their Zionist dogs and to bring a curse upon the Jews and victory to Islam. I will ban the creation of rape accusation threads without at least four accusations as per the sharia.

I will, in consultation with the WR, establish a four person divan who will help me in suggesting and selecting topics for discussion in the POTWR thread with I acting as the tie breaker in the event it is needed. I will attempt to balance it between conservative and progressive posters. I will also appoint, in consultation with the WR, a Grand Vizier who will act in my stead if need be.

Topics will be decided on a roughly weekly basis though conversations which branch out are encouraged. I will also hold special elections for War Room waifu with such candidates as Asma al-Assad and Marion Le Pen.

I look forward to enjoining good and forbidding evil in the WR.
i am game count me in
Sure, I'm in.

Life outside of sherdog has gotten busy this year so haven't been able to post as much as usual- but maybe i'll make a comeback this year. I'll write up a little speech and throw my hat into the ring.
I am officially running for War Room president.

You still need time to gape, so i can understand your lack of clarity.

I am announcing that i am running for the candidacy position.......Mr @Clippy.... It will be beautiful....

Sure I'm game

My fellow esteemed War Room citizens. Please accept my candidacy announcement for the upcoming presidential election. Those of you, who know me, know that I am a long time citizen of our fine sub forum. Over the last several years it has become a mainstay for me in terms of where I spend my time on Sherdog. It has proven to be my go to source for all things political and world issues related, as I'm sure it is for most of you. Although I identify on the right, in every political spectrum test I have taken I score almost dead center. And as such I can view many topics from a variety of angles. Both the right and the left have strong cases, but are also full of whack-jobs who do nothing but damage their platform. I seek to end that as it pertains to the war room. If elected I would seek to bring back RATIONAL debate to the War Room. No more slinging of insults or empty gif posting as a response. Insult someone within the framework of your response? Sure. Posted a gif to highlight your stance? Go ahead. Have an opinion? State it. Back it up. Argue it. However it will not be a safe space either. If your stance is indefensible, expect to have it attacked, based on its merits, or lack thereof. You want to get into a flame war? Take it to the OT. Politics makes strange bedfellows, it make enemies out of friends and friends out of enemies.

War Room citizens!

Over the past twelve months, we have witnessed an overall deterioration of discussion quality and further division in the War Room. President @Palis has not fulfilled a single one of his election promises and has gone down a very dark path watching the War Room right bleed out. He stood by, doing nothing to stop this from happening. He ignored his presidential duties in full. He abandoned his own "government" after just a couple months and never returned to his sticky thread.

In other words: We've witnessed what happens when you elect a Sports Bar jock with goons that possess a strong photo shop game. Once election season is over, the thread is insta-zombied and does not play the role it should or could have.

It's time to take the War Room back.

I have spent a lot of time considering whom to support. As I've stated previously, the War Room is bigger than just you or me. To me, this campaign always has been about improving our War Room experience. Therefore, I planned to extend my support to the candidate with the most serious commitment to fostering honest discussions and creating a climate where conceding points to the other side is possible.

This past year, we have seen the rise and demise of the War Room Debate League. It was a great idea pursued by @Limbo Pete and @Fawlty and gave us some memorable debates, but the rigid structure made it clear that this form of respectful, honest will always be the exception to the rule - as it should be, considering the War Room is based on spontaneity, exchanges and the evolution of thread topics.

This makes this year's War Room election all the more important. But looking at the field of candidates and what their policies are so far is pretty sobering.

@VivaRevolution has an evident temper issue and gets into public fights with mods over nothing, wanting to "embarrass" them in public.

@Rational Poster "I am so intelligent and well-spoken, elect me!!1" This kind of arrogance is not what we need right now. Also he took a page out of @Palis' playbook by handing out imaginary positions already now. Does anybody want to be Secretary of Fucking Nothing?

@Clippy is, well, Clippy.

@Kafir-kun posted an opening statement and then virtually disappeared. The Kalifat may have to wait.

@pcptornado seems to have left the door open. (Will someone please close that goddamn door?)

@luckyshot has committed to a regime of shaming "Trumpbot shitposters"; this sounds appealing, but will not bridge the divide.

@snakedafunky My fellow German has significantly stepped up his fake news and fake twitter game. I like him, I respect him, but you probably won't hear anything about his plans beyond his Hitler schtick.

@Falsedawn opened strong, but since has not convincingly reaffirmed his commitment to a strong anti-shitposter regime.

@irish_thug has held an interesting initial speech, and I see potential there, but I have not seen enough yet. And time is running out.

The War Room deserves better. The War Room deserves more.

The War Room deserves a choice.

Right now, as of today, I don't see the field of candidates as equipped or willing to deliver and @Lead beyond empty words and a couple of photo shops in the electoral campaign.

It's not something I desire. But I am following the call of duty. Therefore, I am hereby announcing my candidacy for the Presidency of the War Room.

This also is a clear message to the other candidates: the door for negotiations is wide open. I don't need to become POTWR myself. But I need the future President to commit to a vision and deliver results that go beyond the electoral campaign.


God damn this is a mistaken

Quipling said:
So, we have a would-be dictator, a would-be ayatollah, and several would-be presidents. I hereby announce my candidacy for president of the warroom. My qualifications are better than a gimmick or pictures of butts or plagiarizing a speech or scoring in the middle on quiz.

Threadstarting? I have substantive threads with hundreds or even thousands of replies, including the election prediction thread.

Shitposting? I have excellent shitposts.

Contentposting? I have excellent content. My posts are informative and informed, rational and cutting, with original content to boot.

Bitching about moderation? I had a thread in support about my issues with moderation, and it had over 100 replies, but it was deleted. I FEEL YOUR PAIN.

Bitching about trolling? I've done that too.

Slain trolls? I was doing it before certain people, and without mod assistance.

Behold, my endorsements from people across the political spectrum mostly for other things.

Your ability to gather information is rather impressive.


While he'd obviously make a good mod, I'd rather see a President Quipling over a Quipling who has to babysit. But only a puppet president serving under Ayatollah Falsedawn. Sorry Quip, this dictator thing has me ROCK FUCKING HARD

My post wouldn't have come up because my name isn't in the text field, but it is in yours, so both this post and yours will come up from that search now.

Fun fact: The search is basically whatever you see in the screen after clicking edit. So I can also find all posts replying to a person by entering their member number, or search for gifs by searching the text command for that gif. For example, searching "449137" (your member number) will find all posts replying to you, but not those only tagging you. If I look for 449137 and <18> I can find every time somebody replied to you with the rob ford hotdog gif. This does not appear to have happened recently, but I might be doing the gif search incorrectly.
This is the best post that I've ever read in the Dump. Much informative.
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If this is the thing Palis won I'm gonna consider not being involved at all a compliment and an honor.
Also, it would be wrong not mention the man who rules this subforum for months

And his VP
@Dr J

You both are registered
If this is the thing Palis won I'm gonna consider not being involved at all a compliment and an honor.

For some reason, I thought you were a long time poster here. Like 2013 or older join date. You really only started Dec 2016 after the election?
For some reason, I thought you were a long time poster here. Like 2013 or older join date. You really only started Dec 2016 after the election?

Been here since 08, 09. Lurked for years. Had my last account axed after someone thought rip was a real person and I was being mean to him.
If this is the thing Palis won I'm gonna consider not being involved at all a compliment and an honor.
Nobody knows who you are nor cares. I'd piss on you right now but it appears there is no need by the color of your belt.
Been here since 08, 09. Lurked for years. Had my last account axed after someone thought rip was a real person and I was being mean to him.

I mean, I always assume everyone new is just a prior account but it just feels like I've seen that username before 2016. Idk why.
Nobody knows who you are nor cares. I'd piss on you right now but it appears there is no need by the color of your belt.

And with the highest of class, our leader presents himself to address the masses.

do i have 200 posts in the WR?

Yes, you are now added.

Just so everyone knows how to figure that out, search your username in the search bar when in the War Room. It will show your past 200 posts in this subforum. Just go to the end and see if the oldest post is 2017
/bows elegantly.

I don't believe in eye fof a eye. I believe in two eyes for a eye.

The Ric Flair av was a good call imo. That is Ric, right?
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