Crime British One Woman Crime Wave racks up 220 offences in 21 years

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Black Belt
Aug 25, 2021
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A mother who has clocked up 220 offences during a 21-year criminal career of fraud was branded 'one of the most morally bankrupt women' by a judge yesterday.

Charmaine McAllister, who has appeared in courts 50 times, first went to jail when she was just 22 for stealing a handbag containing £600 at an equine event. Now aged 37, McAllister's latest crime saw her masquerade as a police officer, bank worker, soldier and advertising executive from Horse and Hound magazine to carry out credit scams and defraud dozens of victims out of more than £100,000 altogether.

The mum of three, a former grammar school pupil, was arrested again after she defrauded three car dealerships by acquiring vehicles, including two BMWs using stolen credit card details and then quickly selling them on to others for cash. She was jailed for another 15 months at Chester Crown Court yesterday.

Inquiries revealed McAlister was on bail for other fraud offences at the time and had previously been to jail at least 16 times. She is currently banned from every equestrian centre in Britain after targeting horse riders attending village shows and dressage events.

Sentencing the prolific crook, Judge Steven Everett said: ''I have been around for quite a long time now but I do not remember any person male or female, who has committed so many frauds. Her record is as bad as I have seen. She is without a doubt the most dishonest woman I have come across."

McAllister, from Boston, Lincs, was jailed for another 15 months after she admitted 10 fraud offences and one theft. She also goes by the name Charmaine Rowan and 15 other aliases.

Her stretch will be added to a 40 month jail term she is currently serving at a jail in Peterborough for a series of other stings.


He added: "This is a truly tangled web and totally brazen dishonesty. You are a sophisticated fraudster to be sure, a fraudster without any morals whatsoever, without any regret about what you do. You are one of the most morally bankrupt persons I have ever come across. Nothing is too small for you to steal or defraud and I'm not convinced that you are going to change. As time goes by you just get longer and longer prison sentences that will protect the public for a little while.

You have had a total of 50 different court appearances which is mind boggling and your set of previous convictions are the worst I have ever seen for a fraudster. You must be thinking about fraud whenever you come out of prison, time and time again. You have lied to the courts about what you are going to do, lied about your illnesses and you have even stolen from your own mother in the past. You are truly a despicable person [She also stole an 88 year old woman's purse]. I am quite sure that you will say anything you can to try to reduce your sentence so that you can get out and carry on and just help yourself.''

During her two-decade-long spree, McAllister spent her stolen cash on luxury cars, cosmetic surgery, hotel stays and designer clothing.

February 2008 Lincoln Crown Court - theft of handbag: Nine months jail.
June 2011 Boston magistrates court - theft of purses and credit card fraud: Four months jail.
January 2014 Winchester Crown Court - 18 offences of fraud and theft and with 45 others to be considered after £31,882 was stolen at horse trials : two years jail suspended for two years.
June 2015: Sheffield Crown Court - fraud and theft x 45: four years and eight months in jail and issued with a criminal behaviour order (CBO) banning her from contacting advertisers of horses, ponies or equestrian equipment for sale.
April 2018: Leeds Crown Court - fraud and handling stolen goods after stealing purse from 88-year old woman at Costa Coffee - nine months jail
July 2018: Leeds Crown Court - 15 charges of fraud and breaching the CBO: four years jail.
October 2018: Gloucester magistrates court - fraud: 26 weeks jail.
July 2021: Birmingham magistrates court: fraud: 12 months jail.
June 2023: Lincoln Crown Court: fraud x 4: 40 months in jail.
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That's only 10 offences per year, that's rookie numbers compared to some other persistent offenders.

I once arrested someone at the end of a night shift, I arrested him again when I came back in the same day to start my next night shift after he had been released whilst I was off duty.
Why should she stop. She's not going to get any real time no matter how many times she does stuff like this.
That's only 10 offences per year, that's rookie numbers compared to some other persistent offenders.

I once arrested someone at the end of a night shift, I arrested him again when I came back in the same day to start my next night shift after he had been released whilst I was off duty.

I've known shoplifters to be arrested in the morning and be back trying to steal from the same store in the afternoon.
I've known shoplifters to be arrested in the morning and be back trying to steal from the same store in the afternoon.

It's pretty common.

There's units called 180 teams who try and work with offenders to rehabilitate them. Sort them work, badger them to turn up etc. in one case they bought and insured a car for an offender so he could travel to work. He used it to commit 100s of burglaries.

Technically he wasn't lying for what he was using it for.
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Look at her eyes in that first pic.

If those aren't the dead, soulless, great white shark eyes of a sociopath...
Which one of your desperate basement dweebs think you can fix her?
Have you chatted up many English girls in pubs? It's called the Lambrini stare

Admittedly...I have not. Only ever been to England once...and it was with my wife.
Judge gives woman 'Final Chance' after over 100 Convictions


Lindsey Smith was given a community order in October after she 'drank herself silly' [10½ pints of cider] then removed her clothes in South Shields, last summer.

Just two months after she appeared in court Smith targeted Asda, Poundland and Herons stores in the town on the 2nd of December and stole £158 worth of shopping.

The court heard at Asda she stole 19 miniature Christmas trees, from Poundland she took six pairs of pyjamas and seven boxes of chocolates then from Herons Foods she helped herself to an 18-pack of Fanta.

Smith, 46, of Albion Court, South Shields, who has 103 previous convictions, admitted three charges of theft.

The convictions put her in breach of the community order imposed for outraging public decency when she stripped off in the busy town centre and a second order, imposed four days after that, for seven offences including criminal damage and being drunk and disorderly.

Judge Nathan Adams fined her a total of £150 for the shoplifting and breaches of the order and warned her this was a 'final chance'.

The judge said if she ends up back in court again there is likely 'only one way it will go'.


Glad the judge got stern with her this time. I bet that will be the last the legal system sees of her!


A mother who has clocked up 220 offences during a 21-year criminal career of fraud was branded 'one of the most morally bankrupt women' by a judge yesterday.

Charmaine McAllister, who has appeared in courts 50 times, first went to jail when she was just 22 for stealing a handbag containing £600 at an equine event. Now aged 37, McAllister's latest crime saw her masquerade as a police officer, bank worker, soldier and advertising executive from Horse and Hound magazine to carry out credit scams and defraud dozens of victims out of more than £100,000 altogether.

The mum of three, a former grammar school pupil, was arrested again after she defrauded three car dealerships by acquiring vehicles, including two BMWs using stolen credit card details and then quickly selling them on to others for cash. She was jailed for another 15 months at Chester Crown Court yesterday.

Inquiries revealed McAlister was on bail for other fraud offences at the time and had previously been to jail at least 16 times. She is currently banned from every equestrian centre in Britain after targeting horse riders attending village shows and dressage events.

Sentencing the prolific crook, Judge Steven Everett said: ''I have been around for quite a long time now but I do not remember any person male or female, who has committed so many frauds. Her record is as bad as I have seen. She is without a doubt the most dishonest woman I have come across."

McAllister, from Boston, Lincs, was jailed for another 15 months after she admitted 10 fraud offences and one theft. She also goes by the name Charmaine Rowan and 15 other aliases.

Her stretch will be added to a 40 month jail term she is currently serving at a jail in Peterborough for a series of other stings.


He added: "This is a truly tangled web and totally brazen dishonesty. You are a sophisticated fraudster to be sure, a fraudster without any morals whatsoever, without any regret about what you do. You are one of the most morally bankrupt persons I have ever come across. Nothing is too small for you to steal or defraud and I'm not convinced that you are going to change. As time goes by you just get longer and longer prison sentences that will protect the public for a little while.

You have had a total of 50 different court appearances which is mind boggling and your set of previous convictions are the worst I have ever seen for a fraudster. You must be thinking about fraud whenever you come out of prison, time and time again. You have lied to the courts about what you are going to do, lied about your illnesses and you have even stolen from your own mother in the past. You are truly a despicable person [She also stole an 88 year old woman's purse]. I am quite sure that you will say anything you can to try to reduce your sentence so that you can get out and carry on and just help yourself.''

During her two-decade-long spree, McAllister spent her stolen cash on luxury cars, cosmetic surgery, hotel stays and designer clothing.

February 2008 Lincoln Crown Court - theft of handbag: Nine months jail.
June 2011 Boston magistrates court - theft of purses and credit card fraud: Four months jail.
January 2014 Winchester Crown Court - 18 offences of fraud and theft and with 45 others to be considered after £31,882 was stolen at horse trials : two years jail suspended for two years.
June 2015: Sheffield Crown Court - fraud and theft x 45: four years and eight months in jail and issued with a criminal behaviour order (CBO) banning her from contacting advertisers of horses, ponies or equestrian equipment for sale.
April 2018: Leeds Crown Court - fraud and handling stolen goods after stealing purse from 88-year old woman at Costa Coffee - nine months jail
July 2018: Leeds Crown Court - 15 charges of fraud and breaching the CBO: four years jail.
October 2018: Gloucester magistrates court - fraud: 26 weeks jail.
July 2021: Birmingham magistrates court: fraud: 12 months jail.
June 2023: Lincoln Crown Court: fraud x 4: 40 months in jail.
Looks like fraud was perpetrated against her if she got plastic surgery. Fuck her, put her in the clink and throw the key away.