Crime Shooter on Ohio State University

Terror attacks have never rated very high on my list of things to worry about.
And that's fine if you don't worry about it. But half of America is getting tired of Islamic radicals. And tired of Islam being pushed in this country. I saw some commercial about Islam the other day where some supposed Catholic bought a Muslim some knee pads so he could do his praying.
'Ban guns. Protecting citizens from violence should be our main priority'

Turns out to be Muslim refugee from Somalia with knife.

'How dare anyone suggest we put in place strict vetting and restrictions on Muslim immigrants and refugees in order to protect our citizens from violence. That's just racist'
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Attackers name is Abdul Razak Ali Artan...the hell you say
Terror attacks have never rated very high on my list of things to worry about.

How come? Terror attacks are the ultimate expression of identity politics, which is what worries you the most.
I've done no such thing. I'm not even American. Identity politics has long been commented on as a major facet of American politics over here. This year however you went crazy on it. Not just "the right" or "the left", but your whole country.

Identity politics is the very foundation for the ethos of left-wing politics world-wide. I don't know where you're from, but I'd be willing to bet that it's just as common there as it is everywhere else. What would the left be without the support of the ethnocentrics that comprise the Black Lives Matter and La Raza movements? How can you motivate a person to vote in favor of an ideology that has destroyed minority communities without convincing them that white people are responsible? It just doesn't work.
Apparently he didn't like how Muslims were 'portrayed' in the media...


Yes, it's real.

LMAO at 'Humans of Ohio State'. I'll bet anything that the first thing Ohio state does once the candlelit vigils and 'stand with Muslims' student marches are over is to open Muslim prayer rooms.
Terror attacks have never rated very high on my list of things to worry about.

Depending on where you're situated on the map, that could be because Gadaffi was the buffer between you and the Islamofascists. Thanks to left-wing war-mongering (another supposed trait of the right that the left has adopted during the Obama administration) and meddling that buffer no longer exists. With the influx in unknown Islamic refugees, a percentage (however large or small) of which is determined to kill you and others, and numerous reports of active cells, it's probably something to start worrying about.
Ouch, stabbing and vehicular assault. That's a bummer for the gun control crowd. Oh, the guy was stopped by a good guy with a gun? Dang. Tough day for the 2nd amendment deniers.
LMAO at 'Humans of Ohio State'. I'll bet anything that the first thing Ohio state does once the candlelit vigils and 'stand with Muslims' student marches are over is to open Muslim prayer rooms.

That's always nauseating. I don't remember a call to 'stand with anti-abortionists' after the one kook shot up a Planned Parenthood. At least give the victims some attention before you stumble over yourself trying to appease and coddle another group.
Just happy that nobody has died as a result of this fucktard.
Identity politics is the very foundation for the ethos of left-wing politics world-wide. I don't know where you're from, but I'd be willing to bet that it's just as common there as it is everywhere else. What would the left be without the support of the ethnocentrics that comprise the Black Lives Matter and La Raza movements? How can you motivate a person to vote in favor of an ideology that has destroyed minority communities without convincing them that white people are responsible? It just doesn't work.

Oh it certainly exists here, but no it's nowhere near as common. Voting is compulsory, so explicitly appealing to a highly motivated minority doesn't get you anything.
That cuts out the sort of blatant appeals to the religious right or minority ethnic groups which might otherwise come into play. Our politics is explicitly dominated by infrastructure concerns, regressive versus progressive taxation policy and privatisation versus public ownership. Identity politics are mostly the preserve of the minor parties, and it's as likely to be the Nationals focusing on rural identity as it is the Greens focusing on feminism or sexual identity.
How come? Terror attacks are the ultimate expression of identity politics, which is what worries you the most.

Because the actual threat of force is relatively insignificant and if you change your policies and laws as a reaction to terrorism, especially in terms of security over freedom, then they win.
victims of refugee violence should sue the federal government.
Fucking snackbar refugees need to be sent back to their homelands so they can do this kind of crap there, NOT here.
Fucking snackbar refugees need to be sent back to their homelands so they can do this kind of crap there, NOT here.
The point of them coming here is to do it here.
Because the actual threat of force is relatively insignificant and if you change your policies and laws as a reaction to terrorism, especially in terms of security over freedom, then they win.
