Opinion Even TUCKER CARLSON now acknowledges TRUMP's staggering incompetence?

A few years ago I was listening to NPR and some historical biography douchebag was on there talking about this. I thought it was interesting so I shared it. If you don't like it, well, I don't know what to tell you

Yeah, this is bullshit.
It’s when people in the media repeat this sentiment that it leads to the ‘boy that cried wolf’ syndrome. See the media was wrong about 2016 and it’s self evident that a person who turns $1 mil (or 2 or 5) into 11 bil (or 4 or 3 or whatever) is far from incompetent. So people immediately dig into supporting Trump as they are offended by the apparent blatant lies, also knowing that the media have a track record of lying about politics and Trump in particular.

It’s one factor that will help see him re-elected.
Can you post actual accurate numbers? No? Hm I wonder why ? How many times has he filed chapter 11? Six?
Can you post actual accurate numbers? No? Hm I wonder why ? How many times has he filed chapter 11? Six?
I think Forbes’ estimate was 4 billion by Forbes who usually do these things. Do you need to see his bank account or tax returns? Have you seen Bill Gates’ bank accounts or tax returns? What about the Koch brothers? These guys could be poorer (or wealthier) than what has been stated publicly. What a disaster that would be for the world and certainly evidence defective character that should not run or chair a corporation or high office amirite?

What’s chapter 11 got to do with Trump’s wealth? Nothing. That’s what.
I really don't understand the hatred for the guy.
If a person only ever gets their daily news from Free To Air tv, or the majority of cable channels, plus newsprint of course, then i suppose i can see why someone could think Trump and the country are up shit creek.
He doesn't really stand a chance of being thought of as a successful President while he is in office, or even alive.
I think Forbes’ estimate was 4 billion by Forbes who usually do these things. Do you need to see his bank account or tax returns? Have you seen Bill Gates’ bank accounts or tax returns? What about the Koch brothers? These guys could be poorer (or wealthier) than what has been stated publicly. What a disaster that would be for the world and certainly evidence defective character that should not run or chair a corporation or high office amirite?

What’s chapter 11 got to do with Trump’s wealth? Nothing. That’s what.
It has to do with his competence. I didn't realize making a lot of money automatically made you competent. Glad we agree that soros is much more competent than Trump tho
... Remaining entrenched in your corrupted camp is foolish at this point.

Obviously, which is exactly why it's encouraging that Tucker Carlson has left the corrupted camp and told it like it is.
So why the fuck is it taking so long for people to come around to what was obvious?

Because it was. I knew as a kid in NYC in 1978 that Donald Trump's investors got fleeced and knew what an NDA was because he was a famously litigious little bitch.

I don't understand how people ever thought he was capable or honest, and never will

I'm not from NYC, and I knew he was a fraud. Whenever he spoke, I saw

How could people be so stupid to think the easiest to spot conman ever would be anything but?
Tucker is still just a good ole boy from my neighborhood calling it as he sees it.
His base operates on emotions without intelligence

Because a logical person would have said “ I like what this Trump guy is saying, but considering his sordid past I don’t believe him to be qualified whatsoever for the unbelievably demanding and difficult job of president. Let’s listen to all the other candidates and find a more realistic one “

Like who, Hillary? The only two candidates that weren't talking out both sides of their mouths were Rand Paul and Ben Carson. Carson called himself unqualified, and Rand physically looks like a pushover, although I considered him the most competent and probably the best choice had Obama not fucked up the social fabric of the country as bad as he did. Trump isn't the most competent, but he is what's necessary to fix the country.

A patriot? LOLZ. Yeah, unless his phantom bone spurs are acting up or there is a buck to be made. Patriot. What the hell has he ever done that would be considered public service?


Take off the blinders little guy. He's been a philanthropist since day 1. Sorry CNN forgot to mention that.
As comparison....one person got ran over, ANTIFA has been complicit in hundreds of altercations and acts of violence.
So the KKK, neo nazis, and whatever other white supremacist groups that were there are only complicit in running one person over?
For a considerable part - they would. I’m not disputing that, I’m drawing attention to this notion that this ‘base’ is not a very large proportion of the public. For the purposes of winning elections, he clearly had far more support across the USA than any other candidate.
And across the Russian government too. :D
Like who, Hillary? The only two candidates that weren't talking out both sides of their mouths were Rand Paul and Ben Carson. Carson called himself unqualified, and Rand physically looks like a pushover, although I considered him the most competent and probably the best choice had Obama not fucked up the social fabric of the country as bad as he did. Trump isn't the most competent, but he is what's necessary to fix the country.

Take off the blinders little guy. He's been a philanthropist since day 1. Sorry CNN forgot to mention that.

Just have to make everything about Hilary, yeah? It's amazing to me that you don't think a complete and utter whore like Rand Paul wasn't full of shit. He was known to be far more fluid in his allegiances and positions than his father, let us put it that way, well before the 2016 election. Ben Carson may have not bullshitted everyone, but he was a complete simpleton who proved, with his words, that he knew nothing of how government operated.

I must say, you are quite whoreish for pretending as if Donald Trump is in any way a philanthropist. Aside from all the petty corrupt shit he has been found to have done with his charities already, shall we? Have you ever heard of the Clinton Foundation? Then shut the fuck up.
So the KKK, neo nazis, and whatever other white supremacist groups that were there are only complicit in running one person over?

Pretty much. I mean they aren’t the ones out on the streets re directing traffic and hitting people in the heads with bike locks.
The right is going to start to shut up about obamacare, because what SHOULD come next is universal healthcare. For profit medicine HAS FAILED. The government in whole is now working with its lobbyist leaders to suck as much as possible out of the middle class before the change needed happens.

Obamacare is a complete fraud, and is basically a conservative style bandaid to the actual problem of failed for profit medicine. It simply either pads the pickets of the government, through the tax penalty, or big insurance. Obamacare is terrible, and establishment republitards are going to have their lobbyist pals (same voice is in the libtard politician ear, ladies) in their ear telling them to put off replacing obamacare.
"We're gonna replace Obamacare with something better, and let me tell you, it's going to be so easy. So easy."
Like who, Hillary? The only two candidates that weren't talking out both sides of their mouths were Rand Paul and Ben Carson. Carson called himself unqualified, and Rand physically looks like a pushover, although I considered him the most competent and probably the best choice had Obama not fucked up the social fabric of the country as bad as he did. Trump isn't the most competent, but he is what's necessary to fix the country.
a proven incompetent businessman with zero political experience who sold his loyalty to the highest foreign bidder is what who needs?
You're right. This really is it!
You must be deliberately ignoring my use of the terms "if" and "in that event". There already exists a prima facie case for both charges. It's a realistic possibility. It's also a possibility it's a house of cards. Bully for you. Only that alternative is irrelevant to what I said, isn't it?

Because, I said, "That won't help if Mueller can prove he laundered money for the Russians and that there was a quid pro quo in the Russian election interference. In that event, he will be given an ultimatum and he will quit rather than be impeached."

Now, kindly explain to all the people in this thread how you were trolling, because no one thinks you're too dumb to understand what a conditional statement is no matter how much it sounds like it. Instead, how about debating the actual question of whether a sitting president known to have engaged in money laundering and active collusion in subverting the democratic process with a hostile country would lose the support of Republicans in the Senate.
Now, kindly explain to all the people in this thread how you were trolling, because no one thinks you're too dumb to understand what a conditional statement is no matter how much it sounds like it. Instead, how about debating the actual question of whether a sitting president known to have engaged in money laundering and active collusion in subverting the democratic process with a hostile country would lose the support of Republicans in the Senate.
My whole point is it's all ifs and buts right now. I personally believe Trump won't step down. First and foremost he's an attention whore and there's no way he backs down from that drama. As far as him losing support in the senate, anything is possible but I'd have to see more to predict it.
Pretty much. I mean they aren’t the ones out on the streets re directing traffic and hitting people in the heads with bike locks.
Pretty much? So you're unaware of the history of burning crosses and lynchings, not to mention the holocaust, that maybe the neos didn't commit but that they want to represent?