How have you avoided confrontations while keeping your dignity

Never underestimate the confrontational power of taking out your dong. People get way less eager to fight when you're looking them in the eye jacking a fully erect boner.
A fear boner?
sucks for your co-worker but he can basically bankrupt the offender if he wanted to. If he is really drooling from the figtht, the attackers has to pay all of his medical bills. Guarantee you there is a lien on his house.
I'm 39 and have been working off and on as a doorman for 20 years. In that time I have only had two fights that I could not avoid.

Not fighting is as easy as avoiding kissing someone: sure it can happen against your will but that's rare.

As for keeping you dignity that's a matter of whether you are prepared to fight or not. A bitch who is scared to fight is different from a person who prefers not to because of legal, social and health consequences.
I'm peaceful so my go to move:


Seriously all these guys saying don't back down -- are your future plans to work at McDonalds the rest of your life? Getting into fights to protect your dignity is like a super ghetto mentality

You better put some spect on " these guys" names , son.
Mark ass mark ass mark ass mark suckas don't know about these hands.


I just avoid confrontation at all costs. Helps I don't drink either.

I usually just ignore people when they are acting belligerent and when you don't give them an audience they typically move on. I will only engage with someone if the come at me with fists flying. I've been boxing long enough to feel comfortable knowing I can defend myself it need be.

Honestly, if it got the to point where I had to defend myself, there would be no saving face or even a conversation about it. If I'm going to fight someone, no need to talk about it, just go all in.
If you're a concealed carrier you'd better think long and hard about ANY sort of escalation at all. You will ( and should ) be held to a higher standard when it comes to walking away. You shoot someone after he starts kicking your ass in a fight you could've prevented , particularly if other people are around and self defense most likely isn't gonna fly.
Walk away until they don't give you a chance

Then at that point, you must simply exercise sheer brutal life ending tactics... I.E. two to the chest

My .40 cal is always with me
Just walk away. No need to even exchange words with some dumb asshole looking for trouble. If you get cornered and can't walk away, try to de-escalate the situation with words. If all else fails, then start filling the room with uppercuts.
I just avoid confrontation at all costs. Helps I don't drink either.

I usually just ignore people when they are acting belligerent and when you don't give them an audience they typically move on. I will only engage with someone if the come at me with fists flying. I've been boxing long enough to feel comfortable knowing I can defend myself it need be.

Honestly, if it got the to point where I had to defend myself, there would be no saving face or even a conversation about it. If I'm going to fight someone, no need to talk about it, just go all in.
This is a good point. Sometimes you simply HAVE to fight. Whether it's to protect yourself in a situation you cannot escape from, or to protect someone else from harm. But making that decision is part of being a man. Shit-talking is going to lead to a sucker punch, so if you've decided it's time to fight then just fight. And usually if you crack a dude on the jaw while he is yapping in your face and pushing you, that's the beginning and end of the conflict.
I'm a big guy so I just take it from 0-100 in 1 second and they shit themselves and take off. Just had a guy last week almost kill me in traffic, I pulled up beside him at the next light and let him know what I thought of his driving. He told me to pull over so I pulled into the parking lot. As he pulled up I jumped out my car and ran straight at his car screaming like a maniac he just took off. He wasn't expecting a white person to be that aggressive.
I'm a big guy so I just take it from 0-100 in 1 second and they shit themselves and take off. Just had a guy last week almost kill me in traffic, I pulled up beside him at the next light and let him know what I thought of his driving. He told me to pull over so I pulled into the parking lot. As he pulled up I jumped out my car and ran straight at his car screaming like a maniac he just took off. He wasn't expecting a white person to be that aggressive.

This is a good way to get shot. Reading though this thread and realizing many of you are lucky to have not made the news yet.
Walk away until they don't give you a chance

Then at that point, you must simply exercise sheer brutal life ending tactics... I.E. two to the chest

My .40 cal is always with me

But maybe more like this

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