LMAO. What is reality?

Does the IBJJF have a stance on this bullshit?

we need a reset
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oh come on man

you got rage baited

that match is from NAGA

it was in the absolute bracket, hence the size difference

NAGA policy with trans competitors is such that bio females can agree or disagree with the match ahead of time

both competitors agreed


your clip cuts out before the smaller competitor wins the match with a vicious high elbow guillotine
As long as it's stated before and all parties are aware it's fair game.

I won't let my wife or daughter compete against them if we're put in that position. There's nothing for either of them to gain aside from getting hurt.
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oh come on man

you got rage baited

that match is from NAGA

it was in the absolute bracket, hence the size difference

NAGA policy with trans competitors is such that bio females can agree or disagree with the match ahead of time

both competitors agreed


your clip cuts out before the smaller competitor wins the match with a vicious high elbow guillotine
I'm against transgender athletes being allowed in the women's division but it's super weird they edited out the fact the biological woman in the first clip actually won and they tried to make it seems like she lost:
Interesting, very interesting. I'm actually surprised by the number of radical lefties in BJJ that think it's somehow OK.

Also it goes to show that technique is most important. I thought that dude was basically just manhandling those girls. That kesa gatame was just a bully move.

Props to the girl that beat him up.
Interesting, very interesting. I'm actually surprised by the number of radical lefties in BJJ that think it's somehow OK.

Also it goes to show that technique is most important. I thought that dude was basically just manhandling those girls. That kesa gatame was just a bully move.

Props to the girl that beat him up.

Well he is. It's a fluke that he lost, he could have broken that chick's ribs or worse given the size difference and the way he went at it. It looks like a sick fetish at this point.

You want to be take hormones, have surgeries, live and dress as whatever gender/thing you feel like, go ahead. But you forfeit some things along the way, and one of them is competing against women in sports.
I was cheering for a female teammate at masters worlds, so I guess I'm pro women beating up women.
the cis woman beat the trans woman in that clip. So, no issue?

Doesn't matter if he won or lost, it's still a clown show and he shouldn't have been allowed to compete. Like I said above, when you transition you forfeit the right to compete against women. Janae Kroc competes in the men's division, this dude should do the same.
Doesn't matter if he won or lost, it's still a clown show and he shouldn't have been allowed to compete. Like I said above, when you transition you forfeit the right to compete against women. Janae Kroc competes in the men's division, this dude should do the same.
you said you had a problem with grapplers outside of each others weight class competing. then what you said is that you had a problem with “men” beating women. That’s what you said, boss. So again by your logic we have to shut down the absolute division and take away women’s rights to decide whom they grapple against.
you said you had a problem with grapplers outside of each others weight class competing. then what you said is that you had a problem with “men” beating women. That’s what you said, boss. So again by your logic we have to shut down the absolute division and take away women’s rights to decide whom they grapple against.

It turns out that woman didn't even realize she was grappling a man. Her coach lied and said it wasn't a tranny.
you said you had a problem with grapplers outside of each others weight class competing. then what you said is that you had a problem with “men” beating women. That’s what you said, boss. So again by your logic we have to shut down the absolute division and take away women’s rights to decide whom they grapple against.

I meant beating up, are you happy now? Look how rough he was with her. That's a dude using his biological advantages to manhandle women. It's not ok. Would you be proud if your 230lbs son ''switched genders'' to go compete against 120lbs chicks? Would you be happy watching grown men in make-up trying to slam your daughter in the ground?
I meant beating up, are you happy now? Look how rough he was with her. That's a dude using his biological advantages to manhandle women. It's not ok. Would you be proud if your 230lbs son ''switched genders'' to go compete against 120lbs chicks? Would you be happy watching grown men in make-up trying to slam your daughter in the ground?
so if a cis woman was treating another cis woman roughly it would be ok by you? Or is it the rough nature of the roll that you have a problem with?

what bio advantages do you mean? And would you be ok with a cis woman competing against other cis women if they were bigger, stronger, had higher T levels, etc?