Opinion 52% of Trump voters and 41% of Biden voters surveyed in a new poll are in favor of secession

The country is racist for giving a black man two terms, but not voting for a woman?

Are you okay?
There's no racism in America. Especially not ingrained in civil war era slave states. Oh shit, you're Canadian and don't have a clue, my bad please go on posting your drivel.
Well, one half just want to be left alone and to love their country.

You left out the part about being left alone to rape the environment, exploit workers and imprison the poor and homeless.
There's no way those percentages represent the feelings on both sides. Secession is stupid and people clamoring for it are viewing the world through an ultra partisan lens.
Yeah, it's the adult equivalent of going to your room and slamming your door because dad took your sibling's side.
For at least about a decade, it's felt as if succession or another civil war is very likely in America's near- to mid-future.

There's no question that when a black man became president about 40% of the country went into a psychosis from which they never recovered.
So, the supposedly "racist" country voted for a black man as President twice(and likely would've a third time if it was possible), but it was after he left, that the country decided to be really racist by...not voting for an old white woman who has been hated since the 90's. Yeah, that sounds logical...

Do you guys ever stop and listen to yourselves, and how absolutely insane your ramblings are? I mean, you're not even remotely close to making a coherent argument.
The entire country isn't racist. There's a segment that went batshit crazy though, as evidenced by the Tea Party, and all the dysfunction that followed Obama's terms. The right preferred to stymie Obama, despite the cost to the Republic, to gain political points with their base.
Majority white Americans just weren’t ready for a female prez coming of the run on the first black president.

it’s ok.
Says the poster from Australia. LOL. No, it was because shes a piece of crap. Its ok
Millions of white people voted Obama in twice and love him to this day. Youre an idiot. His detractors think he sucked and it has nothing to do with his skin color. It has everything to do with operation fast and furious, his drone program, the destabilizing of libya, his disregard of flint michigan, his bailing out of the banks and issuing no consequences to the bankers responsible. The man was a wallstreet and MIC whore..
America first is what we should have united under. The money had to take drastic measures to make their work wasn’t undone.
America First and MAGA are scams. Trump is greedier than these people you're complaining about.
America First and MAGA are scams. Trump is greedier than these people you're complaining about.
Greedier for power? Probably the same. He’s already had money, and doesn’t need to sell political influence to become rich, like all the rest.. Uh, no, “America first” is not a scam, it’s theeeee only thing that makes sense. MAGA is equal time build back better, of course.
It makes sense

You have to be a hard headed idiot to NOT want secession
It would make more sense for people to stop being over dramatic. The country isn’t going to split but it sure can be much more miserable if everyone acts like the majority of people who disagree with them are intolerable to live in the same society. Also, if you want some deviations on how your society operates, focus on the state level. We don’t have to be a country that all lives the same way
It does not need to be violent

Many secessions happened peacefully and can happen peacefully
stupid people gonna stupid
they all wanna leave till they realize they lose much of the financial support that keeps their states running ...

i say let them leave and then go under.... i cant wait to see all the texas and kentucky and oklahoma refugees begging to go to blue states...

There is no such thing as a "peaceful divorce". In order for states to secede or break up its going to involve war. No way around it.

And not just with each other. Once the United States breaks down we will be invaded by other nations.

This is not true

1) Many countries and empires broke up peacefully

2) Legally it can occur Texas vs White case proved that
Lol where the fuck do you guys even find this shit
More than half republicans hate America, democracy and the constitution.

This is Something all the sane people have known for quite some time.

The will of the people is not being met. This is what happens when a political party “wins” elections while getting less votes and being far less popular for decades. We have Minority rule For decades and the country is in worse shape for it.

This is a great lesson how to type a bunch of words and not say a damn thing....
This is a great lesson how to type a bunch of words and not say a damn thing....

It’s very easy to understand. The will of the people is not being met because unpopular people are in control of the government. The minority runs the country and after 40 years this is the shape we’re in
You seem to get defensive over this talk. Sounds like you might be racist. I’m white and I don’t see a fucking thing wrong with point out racist white people. But then I’m not you.
Im only half white you idiot. My family is from mexico.